In v.19 when I finished ripping a music disc I was able to click a button in the action window (lower down left side) and get a report. It was a 'Secure Rip Log', like this one created at 16:17:55 Friday, January 10, 2014 - Media Center 19.0.91.
Reports like:
50 Years of the Greatest Hit Singles Platinum Collection - CD 2 - UB40 >>> Drive D: HL-DT-STBD-RE BH14NS40 Mode:ModeSecure Type:Auto Speed:Max
Track 11: Non-secure rip, 2% of sectors needed re-reading and 2% of sectors could not be verified. [Red Red Wine]
00:01:11 Unreliable data after 16 re-read attempts
00:01:35 Unreliable data after 16 re-read attempts
00:01:58 Unreliable data after 16 re-read attempts
This was very helpful with used music disc I got with various damage and scratches but in v.20 I haven't been able to create this report. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks a bunch....