The problem with this approach is that the Rename, Move, and Copy tool is "too smart for us" in this particular task. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE RM&C. It's a great tool! But in this case it's internal logic gets in the way. Specifically, if you try to convert paths that have backslashes in them, RM&C will refuse to do it until you turn on the Directories check box. Once you do that, RM&C will "eat" all of the remaining backslashes in the path! So the remaining directories and file names all get run together with no path separators at all. I've tried a few variations of this and got nowhere. Which is why I turned to the "fix broken links" solution.
You point out some other things though that I have not tested.
Darn. Perhaps this method is of limited usefulness.
I remember grappling with that now, and I figured out a fix. I posted too quickly, you can't actually use find and replace (I didn't in my case, I just forgot the exact mechanism I did use until I saw your post above about the backslashes).
What you want is to generate a directory structure programmatically and then recreate it on the far end. So on Windows you go into "Rename, Move, Copy" and rename all files into your desired directory structure. You'll want to pick one that more or less approximates your existing directory structure, but will be rigorously consistent. A notional example:
c:\Audio\[Album Artist]\[Album]\[Track] - [Name]
You could replace this with whatever directory structure you want, it's irrelevant as long as it can be described programmatically. So you run rename, copy, move on the windows side in rename mode in order to "conform" your windows library to that structure (if you already have a consistent structure, it's just insurance). Then you import the library on the UNIX/POSIX side, and use the "update the database" mode of Rename Move and Copy for every entry to overwrite the
whole path with
/mnt/Audio/[Album Artist]/[Album]/[Track] - [Name]
Or whatever the default mountpoint is on OSX. I have different "rules" for different media types, but you only have to move the formulas across that way, no bothering about messing with special characters etc. Like I said, more labor intensive, but safer for the metadata.
Your method is still perfect if you have all your tags in the files, and I've done it that way too when I knew for sure that was the case.