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Author Topic: Alpha index in Album view in JRemote - only some letters work (iPad Air2)  (Read 2745 times)


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Anybody else have this problem? I have a library of around 2,000 albums When I display in the album (cover art icon) view in JRemote, the alphabet at the right--which offers "anchor links" to the albums that start with that letter--only works for certain letters. If I tap "B" or "C" to find Bach or Charpentier, the display goes to the beginning (titles starting with numerals or "A." If I tap "D" to jump to "Dvorak" it works as expected. If I tap "S" it goes to the beginning, "T" works as expected.

This behavior has been consistent since I installed JRemote (which I love) and continues through the recent update for iOS 9.

The library continues to grow, and it's really tedious to scroll excessively or have to type in the search field when the alpha index should get me within a few rows of the desired album. I really want the alpha index to work!

I'd appreciate it if the developers could report whether this is a known bug or something that can be corrected in settings somehow, and if the former, when it can be corrected.


PS: Most of these albums are DSF files, if that matters, but in all other respects MC and JRemote handle them well.


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Re: Alpha index in Album view in JRemote - only some letters work (iPad Air2)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 04:43:57 pm »

It may be that it uses the mobile phone texting alphabet  (i.e. ABC => A / DEF => D / GHI => G etc.) so if you want to get to B then you need to hit A twice..

Also I am pretty sure that if you hit a letter that does not exist in you library it reverts to A..

I am not saying this is good, but I think that is the way it works right now..

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Re: Alpha index in Album view in JRemote - only some letters work (iPad Air2)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 07:17:45 am »

Hi more of a work around than a solution, but I have a few more cds than you and this was tedious even if it seemed to work correctly on an ipad4. 

You can set up a view to "drill down" by doubling your primary category (eg Album Artist) .. you put the field in in twice, edit the first one and group the category (using 1 or 2 depending). That way you can click directly to a letter (or letters like A-B) the size of an album cover. More precise for me and faster. By checking the option display all as a choice you can show all without the drill down


  • World Citizen
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Re: Alpha index in Album view in JRemote - only some letters work (iPad Air2)
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 12:48:38 pm »

It may be that it uses the mobile phone texting alphabet  (i.e. ABC => A / DEF => D / GHI => G etc.) so if you want to get to B then you need to hit A twice..

Also I am pretty sure that if you hit a letter that does not exist in you library it reverts to A..

I am not saying this is good, but I think that is the way it works right now..

Thanks for this hypothesis. I'll check it out. I must be the last living person who does not text, so there's no way I will remember those multiple taps when I get past "C" since the display is a linear column rather than grouped as phone keys are.

This is a major opportunity for user-experience improvement. To offer an alphabet of links, of which only some work, while the others send you to the "top of the page," is what the lawyers would call an "attractive nuisance"--like an unfenced swimming pool, but with a downed power line floating in the deep end.

Currently, I have to try to remember to tap "T" if I'm really looking for Stravinsky, and scroll back from there. But I don't remember which letters work between D and T.

Sometimes using the search is not efficient, since it conceals too much of the information that browsing near the target can provide, especially if one's recollection of the target piece is more linked to the album cover than to its contents list.

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