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Author Topic: JRiver MC Not Getting Artwork  (Read 2443 times)


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JRiver MC Not Getting Artwork
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:43:20 am »

I've been having this constant issue with MC where it will not get the artwork for movies and I'm wondering it is due to my naming convention. For every movie I have it as below:


Movies/Ant-Man (2015)/Ant-Man (2015).mkv

So the directory is the "movie name (year)" and then the file inside the directory is also called "movie name (year)"

For some reason MC (for me) just does not understand this naming convention. When I add movies MC does not get the artwork but instead takes a frame from the movie (which itself causes my TV to flicker as it adjusts to the aspect/resolution/fps of the movie for a second and then back to MC).

If I set a custom template to be "Name (Year)" and apply it to my already imported movies then it updates 99% of them accordingly but MC doesn't seem to be able to use this template when importing a movie for the first time.

Also it it possible to set templates on a media type? So one template for movies, a different one for TV shows, a different for music etc.

Any advice appreciated. I have a full license for MC and I really want to use it above KODI (and invest in a good graphics card) but just need to iron out these last few issues I'm having.


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Re: JRiver MC Not Getting Artwork
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 07:10:43 am »

You must have the Media Type set as "Video" and Media Sub Type set as "Movie" (or "TV Show") for the "Get Movie &TV info" tool to work. Have you verified this? 

You can check this by going into Standard View and selecting the file then clicking on "Tag" at the lower left, or (my preferred view) is to use "Video>Files view where I have the "Media Type" and "Media Sub Type" columns showing. To add columns, you would right click on the header then select the tags you want to see/add from the popup list.

In the Tools>Options>Library & Folders, under Configure auto-import you can setup the folder (watched folder) to automatically apply Tags (such as Media Sub Type: Movie) to any files added to that folder. So if your adding new files/movies to the folder "Movies" (and it's subfolders) every new file added would get that tag applied on import.


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Re: JRiver MC Not Getting Artwork
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2015, 01:22:54 am »

You must have the Media Type set as "Video" and Media Sub Type set as "Movie" (or "TV Show") for the "Get Movie &TV info" tool to work. Have you verified this?  

You can check this by going into Standard View and selecting the file then clicking on "Tag" at the lower left, or (my preferred view) is to use "Video>Files view where I have the "Media Type" and "Media Sub Type" columns showing. To add columns, you would right click on the header then select the tags you want to see/add from the popup list.

In the Tools>Options>Library & Folders, under Configure auto-import you can setup the folder (watched folder) to automatically apply Tags (such as Media Sub Type: Movie) to any files added to that folder. So if your adding new files/movies to the folder "Movies" (and it's subfolders) every new file added would get that tag applied on import.

Yes I have all that set. So for instance I added a number of movies to the watched folder around 10pm last night, "Ted 2" and "Tangerine" being two of them. After 5 minutes or more the screen went it's usual black (changed the resolution/frame rate) while MC took a frame (does this for every movie) and then back to the desktop. Both movies were showing in the list as type, subtype: Video, Movie. At 6am this morning "Ted 2" had populated but "Tangerine" had not. If I right click on "Tangerine" and select "Get tv&movie info" (or whatever it is), "Tangerine" is the very first movie listed in TMDB. I think click "Use this data".

So it's finding it if I do it manually, but either not automatically or it's extremely slow (as in a number of movies had not populated from TMDB within 8 hours). The machine has 1GB network so I don't think that's the issue.

Also is there any way to disable that frame grab of the movie that is used temporarily as movie artwork? It's really annoying......

Thanks and I appreciate any and all help!


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Re: JRiver MC Not Getting Artwork
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2015, 06:15:07 pm »

CARNAC is the component of MC that interprets file names when they are initially imported, and it can read the format you are using. i.e. "Movie Name (Year)" So it should be identifying the movie correctly if the file name is correct. Once CARNAC has done its thing, then the "Get Movie &TV info" tool will look up data from the appropriate database, TMDB in this case, if the file is correctly identified as a movie during the import process. You can use Tag On Import to ensure files imported into a movie directory are correctly tagged as a movie, before the "Get Movie &TV info" tool does its thing. But for your two examples that doesn't seem to have been necessary, or you have already done that.

As a test of what CARNAC is doing, turn off the "Get Movie &TV info" setting in Auto-Import for movies, then import a new movie with the file structure you are using. Once imported, check the movie tags to see what CARNAC has done. The Name and Year should be set, plus the Media Type and Media Sub Type as a minimum.

One possible reason that the "Get Movie &TV info" tool doesn't find a movie record is that the Year is wrong for the movie. While the manual process appears to go by name mostly, I think the automatic process takes more note of the Year to select from possible matches. For example, TMDB shows two movies called "Tangerine", one from 2008 and one from 2015. If the Year wasn't correct, then the results are ambiguous. Maybe even if the Year was correct, MC may not select from two identical movie names. I'm not sure. "Ted 2" on the other hand is a completely unambiguous movie name, so it gets an easy match.

There have been a few details posts about what CARNAC and the "Get Movie &TV info" tool actually do, when run during Auto-Import. Also the Import and Auto-Import Wiki articles may have some clues.

Regarding the frame grab for movies, I suspect that is just a thumbnail MC is creating for display, until Cover Art is available. I'm not sure if you can just stop that happening for movies, but play around with the setting at "Tools/Options/Tree & View/Thumbnails/Capture video thumbnails at x seconds". Try a setting of zero seconds, or maybe -1 seconds, to stop the thumbnail being created. You could also just uncheck the "Create thumbnails for videos", but that is going to affect all videos.

Have a good search around the forum on the suggestions above. Your issue may already have been solved, or at least discussed in detail.

PS: I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you mention custom templates. Where/How are you doing that, or what do you mean? Maybe there is a disconnect here somewhere.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner
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