and so far I can not. What I want to do is
Artist (alphabetically)> Albums by year.
If anyone has an idea how to do that I would greatly appreciate it.
as Robertus said the best way is by views and there are a lot of ways to do what you want.
but I would recommend Customize View=>Set Rules for file display -- as the edit category option can be limited depending on whether it is a pane or category type view as related to the mode (Standard, Theater, or Remote view). In this way you can avoid some issues wen you get more advanced. Might want to read the Wiki on this and also the section on how album artist auto works, before starting to create custom fields
This is one of my views that sort in the way I think you want to (although in the screenshot it shows the Album Artist field and not the Artist field -- see below). It is a good idea to add Disc # and then track # btw.
PS - Most people want to use [Album Artist] or [Album Artist (Auto)] and not the [Artist] field as the default grouping is by this combo Album Artist-Album. If you do this by the Artist field you probably will see your multiple artist/compilation albums split up. You can do this by the Artist field though (I have views for both, so maybe you want to too?