It is still a little strange that recordings in the past are still marked as to be recorded. But if you are now getting the display you want, I guess it isn't critical. That is pretty much what I had decided previously.
Something else that I'd like to see in the Theater View setup is a way to add the defaults to the items to show without disrupting what the user has customized. That way when they add new features, the user can take a look at the new defaults and modify their custom views accordingly.
While not exactly what you are asking for, it is easy with a new installation to temporarily turn on Options/General/Advanced/Allow multiple instances to run at one time, then open a new local library in addition to your normal Server library, and compare the two. You should even be able to cut and paste between the two if required. That should help.
Just remember to check that the "Allow multiple instances to run at one time" setting is turned off once you are finished, because you don't really want to allow that all the time. MC should not save this setting through a restart, if you run this on a PC where MC Server is running.
Also note;
0. Back up your library before you do this. (Although I just did it without backing up. Naughty me. But I didn't change anything, just looked.)
1. When you first start the second instance it will try to load the Server library, so you will be warned that the library will be started in Read Only mode. Then you can add a new local library to check new Theatre View configurations. Make sure the local library is in a new, separate location on your hard drive.
2. As there is only one MC installation, all Registry settings are shared. Careful what you change in the local library version! Best not to change anything. Don't let it start importing media either!
3. When you have finished, it is best to reboot your PC as there was probably a second copy of the MC Server service started. (I didn't check that.)
4. Once you have rebooted, don't panic when you see there is nothing in the library! MC has re-opened the last opened library, which is the local library, which should have nothing in it. Just open the main Server library again and you will be back where you started, but the Server library should have any modifications you made to the Theatre Views.
Reinstalling default views into an existing library with customised views may be a bit difficult, and/or dangerous in that it could risk breaking customisations, given the way the Theatre View views are defined.