Hi. I'm specifically asking about Mac, but could apply to Linux or Windows.
I keep all my files on a Drobo 5N NAS that's mounted on my Mac as /Volumes/media. I also back this up to a portable 2TB drive for safety and to take with me when traveling. I have a semi-ok hack now but it's a bit flakey. I have scripts that create links to either the NAS mount or the USB drive mount so it always appears in ~/ALL_MEDIA. I use ControlPlane (
http://www.controlplaneapp.com) to run the NAS link script if I'm on my home LAN and the other one if the USB drive is mounted. It works much of the time but sometimes MC follows the link and when adding a bunch of new media I find that it's all hard-pathed to one drive or the other. Then I have to start messing with the library tools...
So, can MC pick up environment variables for the base path of the media files? Separate for music, video, image would be even better. Really amazing would be to set a primary and backup path so MC would try my NAS first and then try the USB drive if it doesn't find the NAS.
Thanks for any related info and pointers.