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Author Topic: Development of JRemote  (Read 23034 times)


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Development of JRemote
« on: May 27, 2016, 08:42:13 pm »

When do you guys foresee JRemote having...

1. theaterview control (Directional arrows... at least what Gizmo offered)
2. ability to chose what meta data to show.. similar to eos show description, Artist, actor, etc. but not everything.
3. A widget

Thank You


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2016, 05:07:41 pm »

There now doesn't seem like much development on JRemote, at least not visible


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 07:59:13 am »

Finally got BubbleUPnP. Just a touch bitter that I have to buy another app because the other paid app won't work right...  :'(

Thanks for the tip!

I have no trouble casting from Gizmo. I haven't bothered trying from JRemote Android because JRemote stops after one track even without casting. However, if you install BubbleUPnP on your MC computer you can set up your CCA as a DNLA renderer and control it with JRemote by switching the zone from This Device to your CCA.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 08:01:05 am »

Yeah, I posted a question on the Id board, to help me understand how (and how WELL) folks are using phone/tablet/remote devices to control Id. I imagine myself just not being able to successfully "cut the cord" and jumping back to a full-fledged client (laptop) to control MC...

There now doesn't seem like much development on JRemote, at least not visible


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2016, 05:39:53 pm »

Yes, I generally use MC to control MC. Trying to wean myself off that. But JRemote needs work, at least on Android to get there.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2016, 03:06:47 am »

I have both Gizmo and JRemote.  Gizmo is a nice free app that works great except for one major flow,  no images through chromecast. JRemote is stunningly expensive for a incomplete app. Images dont show properly on my devices,  let alone on chromecast. It looks a bit prettier then Gizmo. Development is sooooo slow.  No complaint about Gizmo,  its free.  But JRemote should be finished by now. Fix the showing of Images both on the devices and of course also through google cast.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2016, 05:24:07 pm »

I agree.  I wanted to support JRiver by purchasing JRemote even though Gizmo pretty much covered my needs.  Now i too am wondering why development [and even courtesy responses to problem reports] for JRemote have seemingly ceased.  Even a quick reply by an Admin to tell me that my problem is known but not resolved would be appreciated.  This certainly affects my thought process regarding MC 22.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2016, 05:44:34 pm »

I think both of the JRemotes and Gizmo work pretty well.  We have made minor changes from time to time.  We'll eventually do more but not very soon.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2016, 08:46:02 pm »

I agree that both Gizmo and JRemote are very good. I don't mind waiting for features to be added to JRemote, but the date display is an annoying bug that should be an easy fix.



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Development of JRemote
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2016, 12:08:17 am »

New to Android and JREMOTE has been consistently buggy for me.

It has issues reflecting what is actually playing, or showing the correct cover art.

It will connect instantly when started, but getting it to sync and reflect current states takes some time, and quite often you have close and re-open it to do so.

Needs work.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2016, 12:44:46 am »

I think both of the JRemotes and Gizmo work pretty well.  We have made minor changes from time to time.  We'll eventually do more but not very soon.

Partly agree. But there are some things that are difficult to ignore. One example is JRemote's inability to display photos on device, even if Photos are equally presented in the functionality and menus in the app. If this is very difficult, why not present a message on screen that "this is currently not supported" or remove the functionality until it gets fully implemented?

There are other examples of missing features that others and myself have pointed out multiple times, but are being ignored or dismissed.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2016, 06:44:39 am »

""1. theaterview control (Directional arrows... at least what Gizmo offered) ""



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Development of JRemote
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2016, 08:02:20 am »

""1. theaterview control (Directional arrows... at least what Gizmo offered) ""



I remember, the initial JRemote release of 2015 did have it. It was removed.
Also, a request, if JRemote can be installed in Smart tv i.e Samsung? I know Mr. "H" is thinking of the Android tv capability.




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Development of JRemote
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2016, 08:38:40 am »

Images still don't display locally on my Nexus 5
I tend to use EOS most of the time now.


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« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2016, 08:52:58 am »

I think both of the JRemotes and Gizmo work pretty well.  We have made minor changes from time to time.  We'll eventually do more but not very soon.

From a business perspective this is an interesting decision.

One the one hand, the revenue from JRemote on both platforms must be pretty tiny compared to the revenue from MC proper since JRemote only costs 1/4 to 1/6 of an MC license (roughly).  So development time spent there wouldn't seem to yield the most dollars based on licensing fees.  Then of course you have one or two people complaining that the low price of JRemote is actually "way too high", which is discouraging.

On the other hand, JRemote is "the face of MC" for a good number of customers.  I'd be guessing at the numbers.  But I'll bet something like 1/3 of the overall active customer base uses JRemote most of the time, rather than Standard View or Theater View.  That makes the JRemote interface the very most important interface to those customers.

Of the small number of people I have personally converted to JRiver MC, all of them use JRemote just about exclusively.  Certainly it's the only interface they use when they want to listen to music (as opposed to library maintenance, playlist building, etc).  In fact, JRemote is the strongest selling feature of MC for non-technical customers.  It's beautiful and mostly intuitive to use; it's very intuitive for basic operations.

So the question becomes, how much work do these JRemote versions need?  It seems like there is work needed to me, but I don't personally use JRemote.  I see quite a number of feature requests for JRemote.  I see an almost equal number of bug reports like the one above about the Date field.

It seems to me that some engineering time is way overdue on both JRemote products.  Which would be very, very appreciated by some sub-set of your customer base.  ...and if JRemote is really what sells some your customers on buying the MC platform, then that strengthens MC's overall revenue and reputation.  Making JRemote better should sell more licenses of MC.

As always, just my opinion.



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Development of JRemote
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2016, 09:13:13 am »

My two cents:

JRemote's lack of local image support is a big issue in my house. It's a hard blocker for my wife who wants to use MC to look at family photos on her phone, show them to friends at work, etc.  Images work great in Gizmo, but not at all in JRemote, so even though she likes the look of JRemote better, she keeps using Gizmo on our communal devices, and I haven't bought her a JRemote license for her personal devices because she wouldn't use it.

I have two JRemote licenses (one for my private devices and one for the communal devices which are on a separate google account), but I can't actually use JRemote as my "daily driver" either, because of features it lacks that Gizmo has.  Specifically I use the Gizmo theater view controls because one of our HTPCs doesn't have an IR receiver in it, so the lack of those controls in JRemote is keenly felt.  I also make a lot of use of Gizmo's local caching feature on my phone (when going for a walk or mowing the lawn), which JRemote also lacks.  There are other little things missing too that are less important to me.

JRemote is beautiful and works great for the stuff that's there, and I still fiddle with JRemote from time to time, but I keep hoping it will reach feature parity with Gizmo so I can make it my main remote.  Until then, it's just collecting virtual dust in my android app drawer.  

I recognize that Gizmo and JRemote are separate products, but I think the sentiment a lot of folks have is that JRemote is the "premium version" of gizmo, and a premium version of a free app should be strictly better than the free app: it should do everything the free app does "plus" some other things. As it is the free app actually does more (in terms of function) than the paid app in most areas, which I think is the source of some of the angst.  


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2016, 09:35:59 am »

JRemote is "the face of MC" for a good number of customers.  I'd be guessing at the numbers.  But I'll bet something like 1/3 of the overall active customer base uses JRemote most of the time, rather than Standard View or Theater View.  That makes the JRemote interface the very most important interface to those customers.


My MC server HTPC runs headless. I only use the MC user interface when something has gone wrong. For 90% of the time I use JRemote as the UI, and just occasionally I let TheaterView Playing Now display its track and artist images on the TV.

IMHO JRiver should invest its UI development money on JRemote (and possibly on TheaterView) and not "waste" any UI development time on the MC application itself. If there is a really strong demand for a new UI feature in the MC application, then it should be built into the JRemote UI too. I think JRiver should design the architecture of any new UI features using common "wireframe" concepts, with the intention to roll them out in parallel across all platforms. This requires a bit of a mindset change in how the software is developed..

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Development of JRemote
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2016, 10:05:36 am »

JRemote is my most expensive app. Wanted to support development by buying a beta version but can't deny that I'm little bit of disappointed by the development speed and given non-existing road map. Like others have said for now it is prettied Gizmo with better search but which also misses many features. Still there is so much potential to be fulfilled so maybe some day...


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2016, 08:28:55 pm »

I think both of the JRemotes and Gizmo work pretty well.  We have made minor changes from time to time.  We'll eventually do more but not very soon.

JRiver Media Center is far and away the best of it's kind and [as such] reasonably priced.  The fact that the same company would release JRemote, the most expensive app I have ever purchased and full of bugs that JRiver apparently sees no immediate need to address represents an amazing irony in my opinion.  When you consider Gizmo, which was already out there and probably performing just fine for the vast majority of users it presents an even more puzzling picture.

I understand there are hard choices to make in any business so I sort of get it but I think it would have been better to not release JRemote at all.  I honestly feel like I've been taken for a ride on this one.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2016, 10:39:17 pm »

I don't mind that jremote was ported to android. But i do mind that i don't feel like it replaces gizmo.
So now i have two unfinished apps of bugs and features. In that time i also payed for EOS for live TV support.

Considering you now also have one remote. I would agree there is plenty of work to be done.
Please please please consolidate all OS UI and features.



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Development of JRemote
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2016, 04:59:50 am »

I have to agree with others here.
I too feel very disappointed with JRemote.
I payed what is the most I have ever paid for an app because other were predicting great things for it.
But even now it still feels very much like beta software and to be told there are no plans to develop it in the near future makes me wish I had not purchased it.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2016, 06:10:01 am »

I love to work with JRiver Media Center on my phone.
But the price for this app is an impudence, about €10 for an app, no thank you.
For the half Price, i would have tried the app.
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Development of JRemote
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2016, 07:06:50 am »

I have to agree with others here.
I too feel very disappointed with JRemote.
I payed what is the most I have ever paid for an app because other were predicting great things for it.
But even now it still feels very much like beta software and to be told there are no plans to develop it in the near future makes me wish I had not purchased it.
This is too is my most expensive purchase on Google Play.
Not as nice looking as on an iPad and still lacking some good features.

As someone else commented here or in another remote thread, the most functional control for JRiver is through an old laptop running... JRiver.

Not exactly 2010s


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2016, 07:08:19 am »

I don't mind that jremote was ported to android. But i do mind that i don't feel like it replaces gizmo.
So now i have two unfinished apps of bugs and features. In that time i also payed for EOS for live TV support.

Considering you now also have one remote. I would agree there is plenty of work to be done.
Please please please consolidate all OS UI and features.
Since you seem so negative about what we've done with remotes so far, it's doubtful that you would like anything new we do.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2016, 11:58:28 am »

If you say you think it's ok and it's not. I would rather let you know.

So it's much of a strong +1 with some details.  :)


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2016, 07:29:54 am »

I tend to use EOS over JRemote primary as it is the only remote that supports the Playback of LiveTV from MC connected TV Tuners.  MCWS supports all the calls that are necessary but they have never appeared in JRemote. 

There is something good about watching watching live TV from anywhere in the world streamed from your home to your device.  Unfortunatly I just watched England beat Aust in the Rugby test...  :(
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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2016, 11:20:51 am »

Without JRemote for iOS in my house, the rest of the family would not use MC to listen to audio at all. It made it easy and acceptable to use in the house and around the world as we travel.
The display image (wrong album art) is annoying and I find killing the app an relaunching resyncs it correctly. I'm guessing this is caused after I update my server and reboot.

Photo support would be nice, but I have others apps for viewing them from the server. Having it in one app with the tagging and sorting power of MC would make it the go to app.

Ability to sync content locally for use on planes etc. would be my #1 ask as we all like the UI of JRemote and currently have to use other apps and export music from MC and import to the device manually.

Can't help with England beating Australia, I think that works as expected :-)

An Englishman in Califirnia!


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2016, 09:42:31 am »

I think both of the JRemotes and Gizmo work pretty well.  We have made minor changes from time to time.  We'll eventually do more but not very soon.

Please look at JRemote iOs and Web radio streaming thread. I can't solve this issue with settings. It requires a fix.

My MC server HTPC runs headless. I only use the MC user interface when something has gone wrong.

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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2016, 09:41:50 am »

And... I think we've gone full circle somewhat. I just don't understand how Id works, if it's meant to be headless, then I need something that offers full playback functionality on phone/tablet, right? Isn't that the design? I'm an audio-only MC user, and I don't need full admin control on a phone (I'll shoot on over to my desktop for that), but good, consistent control from my phone would be key. I can't get everything I need on Gizmo or JRemote, so what's the model meant to be?


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2016, 09:43:21 am »

BubbleUPNP now stops working after a few songs. Oy.


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Development of JRemote
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2016, 03:48:26 am »

This Question has already probably been asked a couple of times (in different topics) but I never found an answer.
JRiver MC has the nice ability to work with Libraries to partition vast collections into meaningful parts. I use it to separate the different coding (FLAC DSD..).
On the MC app that works as a charm and when I change the currently selected library in MC it also changes in JRemote but I cannot change it in JRemote, which is a blooper as my Music server is headless and I have to startup another PC to change anything on it via TeamViewer
Is there a way that feature could be added or is that a problem in MC where these features are not exposed to the Remotes? (In which case I will have to ask the JRiver team if they could add it to their API


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2016, 12:43:12 pm »

I use JRemote on my iPhone and iPad more than any app I have. And it works flawlessly. I use if for music only. I have several TB of music and it plays all my file types in native format just perfectly. I'm not sure what the problem is here? Far and away the best "streaming" app and I've used them all. Viewing photos with JRemote? Why not get a better photo app? I think MC's strong point is music and that's where JRemote shines.

My only issue was when Apple came out with IOS 9, it took a little while to get JRemote to work with the new software. I was only freaking out cause I can't go a day without JRemote.

So, if ain't broke, don't fix it! I feel fortunate for JRiver and in particular JRemote. If I had one recommendation for a possible development improvement, I'd say music caching would be cool so when you play tunes it saves them locally on your phone for offline playing - the way Subsonic does.

I'm a very satisfied JRemote user.



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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2016, 04:31:39 pm »


My MC server HTPC runs headless. I only use the MC user interface when something has gone wrong. For 90% of the time I use JRemote as the UI, and just occasionally I let TheaterView Playing Now display its track and artist images on the TV.

IMHO JRiver should invest its UI development money on JRemote (and possibly on TheaterView) and not "waste" any UI development time on the MC application itself. If there is a really strong demand for a new UI feature in the MC application, then it should be built into the JRemote UI too. I think JRiver should design the architecture of any new UI features using common "wireframe" concepts, with the intention to roll them out in parallel across all platforms. This requires a bit of a mindset change in how the software is developed..

  Yep.  My situation exactly.   Furthermore, without JRemote I wouldn't be using JRiver.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2016, 04:48:16 am »

I guess this thread could be used for feature requests (sorry for that)  8)

I'm happy with JRemote and use it on my iPad accessing my music collection on a headless Mac Mini. MediaCenter I only use from time to time, when necessary. Sorting albums by year and not alphabetically within a section is something that really should be possible. It's a key function I expect from a "serious" music managing app. MC got it, JRemote should have it too. At least the album's year tag could be shown next to the album title, so I know the order.

Adding playlists to a song is kind of a hidden feature in JRemote and could be included more prominent and "better".

A bug: Klicking on the letter K in the Album section only jumps to albums starting with a C.




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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2016, 08:50:26 am »

Sorting albums by year and not alphabetically within a section is something that really should be possible

I'm relatively certain JRemote can do what you are asking for, by making a custom view that sorts the way you want and then exporting that view to JRemote.  If you need guidance, start a new thread and we'll try to help you out.



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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2016, 09:10:47 pm »

I'm a JRiver supporter. I automatically buy the new version every year. I am sincerely grateful to Jim, Matt and the rest of the JRiver team. I couldn't imagine not having the ability to use JRiver for bluray or cablecard playback because there's no other software which comes close.

I strongly believe that the TV experience could be MUCH better if there were a way to control the guide from a touch screen device. Of course, this means there would need to be some remote development done by JRiver. IMO, JRiver TV is unfinished and incomplete until this happens. So it goes without saying that I'm disappointed with jremote, gizmo and JRiver 22.



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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2016, 07:40:25 am »

I'm a JRiver supporter. I automatically buy the new version every year. I am sincerely grateful to Jim, Matt and the rest of the JRiver team. I couldn't imagine not having the ability to use JRiver for bluray or cablecard playback because there's no other software which comes close.

I strongly believe that the TV experience could be MUCH better if there were a way to control the guide from a touch screen device. Of course, this means there would need to be some remote development done by JRiver. IMO, JRiver TV is unfinished and incomplete until this happens. So it goes without saying that I'm disappointed with jremote, gizmo and JRiver 22.


Gizmo has a feature that allows it to control theater view and the TV guide via a touch screen interface.  I'm not in an environment that I can test right now, but I think it's under either "mode" or "options." The option is called "theater view remote," and it turns your phone or tablet into a remote control that can navigate theater view and the TV guide.  Is there something about the way that works that isn't right for you?  I only ask because it's kind of hidden away in the UI.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2016, 07:53:24 am »

Thanks mwillems!  I didn't know that option existed. I'll give that a try when I have a minute.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2016, 08:30:18 am »

Gizmo has a feature that allows it to control theater view and the TV guide via a touch screen interface.

Actually, so indeed does JRemote have that feature too; it is also strangely "hidden" under the Settings function ( under the cog wheel icon ) ..

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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2016, 10:08:32 am »

I think that may be another iOS only feature for JRemote.
I do not see that option on my Android JRemote.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2016, 10:10:34 am »

Actually, so indeed does JRemote have that feature too; it is also strangely "hidden" under the Settings function ( under the cog wheel icon ) ..

where?  I don't see it in settings.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2016, 10:18:59 am »

I think that maybe another iOS only feature for JRemote.
I do not see that option on my Android JRemote.
i am on iOS and I don't see it.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2016, 10:51:39 am »

If you scroll the left hand list of items up, the bottom item is a remote symbol, labelled Remote. That gets you to a Theatre View remote page; unfortunately it is a truly horrible navigation experience - it makes the already pretty bad Theatre View navigation even worse.

That is on an ipad, the option doesn't seem to be present in the Android version.

IMO the EOS Theatre View remote is much better.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2016, 04:03:41 pm »

where?  I don't see it in settings.

My bad. Actually there are two things, a) on the JRemote main screen on the left side, there is an icon called "Remote" that allows you to control the MC display using tap and swipe gestures, and b) under the cog wheel icon in Settings, next to the MC server name, press the (i) icon, and scroll right down to the bottom of the dialog box, and there are some commands for sleep, hibernate and reboot of the MC server..

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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2016, 06:50:41 pm »

If you scroll the left hand list of items up, the bottom item is a remote symbol, labelled Remote. That gets you to a Theatre View remote page; unfortunately it is a truly horrible navigation experience - it makes the already pretty bad Theatre View navigation even worse.

That is on an ipad, the option doesn't seem to be present in the Android version.

IMO the EOS Theatre View remote is much better.
That is for the 10 foot display on the remote monitor.  I thought you meant you could get the theater view on the iPhone JRemote screen itself.  That is what I would like but no.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2016, 08:26:39 am »

Again the abilities to sleep, hibernate and reboot are iOS only, they do not appear in the Android version :(


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2016, 10:19:25 am »

Just installed this on my new Andriod LG V10. It seems to be working really well, but haven't really put it through the paces yet. The 2 things that made me pull the trigger and purchase it is FLAC streaming to my phone and gapless playback streaming to the phone. Neither of these are available in Gizmo and are probably not supported by other apps either. There are a few things that would be great to see.

1. A trial version . I agree with others that $10 is a lot for an app. It's worth it IMHO, but you have to shell out the money to find that out. It's a bit scary.
2. A widget that has shuttle controls on it.
3. A lock screen widget, so you can just get in the car and hit play.
4. Both a lock screen and home screen widget (did I say that already?)  :)


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2016, 10:40:29 pm »

And please update the playlist editing that is a swipe from the right edge.
Thanks to Apple they stuck the SlideOver in the same place and you have to be very precise to get to the playlist.

And would be great if JRemote showed up in the SlideOver menu so I can multitask :-)

There's been no update to this app since last October. Will it get some TLC if iOS 10 breaks something ?

The household will string me up if I upgrade and it breaks !!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2016, 01:16:56 am »

 I cant recall the last time the Android version of JRemote was updated. Seems to be given a very low priority. Many have asked about upgrades etc. Theater View Control has been requested many times along with others requests.


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2016, 01:02:50 am »

As much as I like it I'm uncertain if JRemote is a product with active development at all.
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