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Author Topic: Updating JRemote library  (Read 2319 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Updating JRemote library
« on: July 15, 2016, 03:49:42 pm »

Good evening.

I am running MC 20 on a Mac Mini and JRemote on an iPad. Both work fine. I only use it for listening to music.

At the moment I am constantly updating parts of my music library, changing tags, cover art, etc. This I mainly do on another computer (Mac) without MC. Updated albums I then copy to the Mac Mini after I deleted the old files there. This I do with the Mac's Finder program. The workflow is a bit cumbersome, but the Mac Mini with all my music files runs headless and the remote access is a too slow for working smoothly with any program (it's an old Mac Mini). Copying files is ok though but takes some time.

Files I copied to the Mac Mini quite fast become part of the MC library because of the automatic import settings. This works fine. JRemote on my iPad however is quite slow to update its library. It quite fast eliminates outdated albums but has problems integrating new updated ones. It mostly takes quite some time to even show new items and often I only see a white block instead of an album cover. Also in the beginning albums aren't seperated within an artist section. This can last a couple of days before the entries get updated and sorted out.

Is there anything I can do to help JRemote to update its library? Is there a cache I can delete, etc? I haven't found anything in the settings section of JRemote that would help me.



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Re: Updating JRemote library
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2016, 11:03:06 pm »

You might find that closing and restarting MC software itself has the desired effect, I have certainly noticed this behaviour with the Linux version.
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
I am the owner / sole admin for ("fan" site for Cyrus Audio hifi)


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Re: Updating JRemote library
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2016, 08:35:34 am »

Force quitting JRemote on the ipad might help also.  Hold the center key until a list of apps shows.  Then swipe up on JRemote to quit it.  Restart JRemote and I would expect your changes to show up.

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