I rm'd the library using
sudo rm /usr/lib/jriver/Media\ Center\ 22/libgpg-error.so*
it still has the same behavior, here is what was left in the directory after the rm
alsacap libgnutls.so libJRReader.so
Data libgnutls.so.28 libJRTools.so
JRWorker libgnutls.so.28.41.7 libnettle.so
libboost_regex.so.1.59.0 libhogweed.so libnettle.so.4
libcryptlib.so libhogweed.so.2 libsoxr.so
libgcrypt.so libidn.so libsoxr.so.0
libgcrypt.so.20 libidn.so.11 libsoxr.so.0.1.1
libgcrypt.so.20.0.3 libidn.so.11.6.8 License.txt
libgmp.so libJRDisc.so Plugins
libgmp.so.10 libJRImage.so Skins
libgmp.so.10.2.0 libJRPlayer.so
I tried it on the workstation (which I use to remote access the main library server)
and on the main library server (which is where I first discovered the problem).
and I did the grep command
cd /usr/lib/jriver/Media\ Center\ 22
ldd -d *.so* | grep -i found
and didn't find anything
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