In Linux I use the Linux "Easytag" program for modifying ripped FLAC CD tags created by dbpoweramp (in Crossover). I use the "comment" field tag extensively so that I can sort my large CD library more easily.
Easytag has input for a "Description" tag. When my ripped CDs are imported into MC21 for Linux, the information I entered into the Easytag "comment" field is, more often than not, missing when I look at the tag info in MC21 for "comment". However, if I scroll down to the MC21 "Description" field, the information I entered in the Easytag "comment" field is present (most of the time) in the MC21 "Description" field. Not sure why or how this happens.
This problem makes it difficult to create smart searches and sorts in MC21 because I often want to do the searches on the "comment" field which, in MC21, is missing the info I entered. My work around for this is to add two rules to each search; one for "comment" data and one for "description" data, entering the same info into each search. The problem with the workaround is that sometimes it causes nothing to be found -- as if both rules cancel each other.
Is this a subtle MC21 bug?