I have had 32-bit MC installed in an Ubuntu partition in my dual boot computer since it was first available. My computer is actually 64-bit so I thought I would change to the 64-bit version of MC. I attempted to completely uninstall MC using the commands from the tutorials prepared by Awesome Donkey (thanks for those by the way). I then installed the 64-bit version using the Ubuntu tutorial. However, I now get a segfault when I attempt to start MC. I repeated the process several times to try to eliminate the possibility that it was my error, but each try ended with a segfault. I know, If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but I just couldn't leave well enough alone.
I am thinking that I may not be getting the 32-bit version completely removed and that is causing a conflict. What makes me think this may be the problem is that I reinstalled the 32-bit version and everything was exactly as I had left it. I didn't need to restore my library and it was still registered. I am assuming that if everything had been completely removed I would have needed to restore my library and license.
If this makes since and residual files could be causing the segfaults, how can I make sure that the 32-bit version is being completely removed? If not, any ideas about what could be causing the segfaults.