tried it on another windows client and no issue there either
I went back to the server and played another album & watched it more closely. I can now see what is going on though it seems a very strange. Basically I can see that by the time it gets to the last track, the playback status in the top panel of the mc client) is about 30s ahead of what is actually playing, i.e. by the time I actually hear the last track, jriver thinks it is 30s into that track. The track then continues playing normally and when it gets about 10s from the end, the logs show that it triggers the EOF
131432609: 8104: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finished feeder loop (bCancel: 0, bPlayed: 1)
131432609: 8104: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Sending EOF
131432609: 8104: Playback: CPlayerZone::JRPlaybackEngine_EndOfFile: Start
131432609: 8104: Playback: CPlayerZone::PlayNextFile: bCanPlayNext=1, m_bPlaybackError=0
131432609: 8104: Playback: CPlayerZone::JRPlaybackEngine_EndOfFile: Finish (0 ms)
131432609: 8104: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finish (297203 ms)
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Start
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Checking for invalid position
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Attempting next chapter
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Checking for next disabled
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Checking for display / internal mismatch
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Checking can play next state
131432609: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Next track not playable
131432625: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Finish (16 ms)
131438093: 5396: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Start
once this completes then jriver terminates playback, the problem being that it hasn't actually completed playing back the track at all, instead it still has about 30s to go.
This behaviour seems quite bizarre but it's completely repeatable.
Any ideas? My thought is to verify whether it's gradually slipping behind or suddenly jumps (I would think the former) and then I guess it's trial and error turning features on and off (e.g. convolution) to see if that changes the behaviour. Extremely slow going to test though (and I've been using the same album each time so I'm slowly beginning to hate that album!)