In my quest to be able to schedule TV recording from a web interface, I'm currently at the following stage -
Create a smartlist with all programs in TV Guide. Done.
Set up cron to download contents of said smartlist to xml file. Done.
Parse Date / Time from filename. Done.
Parse XML data to PHP page / HTML table. Done.
Ideally, what I'm picturing is a link (button or otherwise) that captures the file key (variable) for the program and sends it to MC, which then updates the database to reflect recording scheduled.
My (admittedly simplistic) mind sees this happening via the MCC_TV_RECORD core command, using the program key as the parameter (which is currently ignored). So a button with a link to[key]
would schedule a recording, as opposed to recording immediately.
This would probably also necessitate the need for a MCC_TV_CANXREC command to cancel said recording.
Any chance of this happening?