@gen - Genre@alb - Album Name@art - Album Artist@wrt - Composer@nam - Song (Track) Name@day - Release Dayand MC recognizes them correct.It seems like MC is recognizing some of the iTunes tags but not all of them. Something as common as Conductor should be added to MC's list of tags to recognize, since it appears they already have the logic in place to do the conversions. Ideally the entire list of approximately 20 additional iTunes tag should be added to MC given the mechanism already exists or at least the ones for which MC has the existing tags by default.From the linked document, the standard tags looked like they are already implemented in MC. The optional ones are not. These are the optional tags listed:Art Director İarg Lyricist/Author İaut Copyright Acknowledgement(s) İcak Conductor İcon Song Description İdes Director İdir Equalization İequ Liner Notes İlntRecord Company İmak Original Artist İope Phonogram Rights (P-Line) İphgProducer İprdPerformer İprfPublisher İpub Sound Engineer İsneSoloist İsol Credits İsrc Thanks/Dedications İthxURL İurlOnline Extras İxpd
A lot of these are ignored in MC because at the time of writing mp4 support, a lot of them were not documented. I will add more that are now documented, such as İcon. Can someone confirm that İcon is written to a file in the exactly the same way as İgen or İalb?