GaryWW asked about how to identify UHD Rips in MC. You could tag them manually, but I've so far:
- VIEW: Created a "UHD" Std and TheaterView with a "Set rules for file Display" of [Dimensions]=[3840 x 2160]
- FILE INFO PANEL: See Pics but Under Tools--> Options--> TheaterView--> Customise file info panel--> (Select Movie)--> Manage/Edit then added the following expression under "Regular" if(isequal([Dimensions],3840 x 2160),[UHD],)if(isequal([File Type],3d,8),[3D],)[Name]Delimit(Watched(2), , / )
This will then add a [UHD] or [3D] prefeix to the name when in TheaterView views like "Recent"