How about trying something like this. Just ideas, not a complete solution.
In a new View, select all files played in the last X days. Let's make that 5 days. Group by Album.
Expand the list to include all tracks in the Album played.
Calculate the Average Last Played date using GroupSummary(), where the date is formatted into just YYYYMMDD using "formatdate([last played,0], yyyyMMdd)", resulting in a "date" of 20180319, for example. May need a conversion to a numeric value.
Check if the Average Last Played date equals the Last Played date of each Track. Exclude the Track if it doesn't.
The logic here is that unless all tracks were played on the same date, the average will be different to every track's Last Played date.The major stumbling block may be whether GroupSummary() works correctly or not... and it looks like it doesn't. But it does output the last Date (including time) that a Track in an Album was played, and maybe that could be used... but I can't think exactly how just now. I was using an expression of "formatdate(Convertdate(GroupSummary(Last Played)), yyyyMMdd)" to get an output like "20180319", which is the latest date any track of an album was played. That evolved into an expression like this to do a little math:
Math(formatnumber(formatdate(Convertdate(GroupSummary(Last Played)), yyyyMMdd)) - formatnumber(formatdate([last played,0], yyyyMMdd)))
Which produces the number of days between when a Track was played, and the last date a Track in that album was played. So zero if it was played on the same day as the last track was played.
Yes, I was mucking around a lot.
But I can't figure out how to use that to eliminate all tracks of an album if the whole album wasn't played. The "Average Last Played" concept could do that.
If GroupSummary() worked on expressions this could be done. But it doesn't, only taking a MC field as a Key.
You may be able to use the concept above, create an average Last Played date, using Global Variables.
So that is enough time on this for now. Over to you guys that know expressions better than me!