This is a Track Info visualization that gets a snippet of info about the currently playing artist and album from Last.FM and shows it along with cover art and (bonus) time and weather.
It works from the existing JRiver artist and album tags, so no extra tags needed (unlike my Wikipedia track info). These tags work about 95% of the time (if info is available), but for some you may have to tweak the album/artist name a little to match.
You will need to get a Last.FM API key. It's free and simple. Go here: out the form and copy the API key provided. You need a vaild email address. Also enter an application name that suits you. No other fields are required.
Then, edit the index.html file in the LastFM folder and change the apikey variable to the API key you got from Last.FM.
Last.FM info is cached for 30 days. You can change this in a variable in index.html (see comments).
The other change is to edit the index.html file to change the 'weatherstation' variable for your location. See instructions in comments.
Note: This is formatted for a 1920 x 1080 HD TV with Windows display scaling set to 150%, using the Display View in full screen. You can adjust in the HTML style parameters which are embedded in self-contained index.html (no css).
To install, download zip, unzip, copy the LastFM folder to the JRiver Track Info folder
(for example, c:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 22\Visualizations\Track Info)
Change track info display setting to LastFM