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Author Topic: Watched is "checked" but also says "Never Played" - what is driving this info?  (Read 1822 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Looking at my Theater View display for TV Shows (such as Nova) I have several shows that say "Never Played" yet the check mark is there indicating they were "Watched".

if I "Watch" a Show it should show as "played" IMO.

I looked through the "Manage Library Field" and see the "Watched" field is tied to "Number of Plays" which is tied to "Plays", but Number of Plays (is a calculated field) has no details on what determines if a show was played or not.

Watched has this calculation If(IsRange([Bookmark Percent], 0-8),  If(Compare([Number Plays],<,1),,√),  If(IsRange([Bookmark Percent], 10-79),[Bookmark Percent]%, √))

I would be fine just removing the "Never Played" from displaying in the Theater View (Watched is enough) but this does not seem possible (unless perhaps I edit the Watched calculation).

So how does all this work - and why does "Watched" not equal "Played"?
How do I setup MC to only show the "checkmark" when Watched? I dont need the "last played" info.



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Options >> TheaterView >> ...Customize file info panel
- Choose template which are showing your TV Shows and
 >> Manage >> Edit Template
- There in the Expanded part you can remove last played (or do other fancy changes what your selected item will show you).


  • Citizen of the Universe
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There is only the "Watched" field in that File Info Panel display listing. The "Number of Plays" or "Never Played" is not a choice to display. The "Never Played" message is somehow part of the Watched expression.

I want to show "Watched" (the check mark) so I know where I left off when watching a series.

Just don't understand why it says I Watched it and then says Never Played.

Thanks for replying.


  • World Citizen
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I think this issue was fixed early in 2018.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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If fixed, then I wonder why it's still happening on my setup. I have the latest MC version.


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"never played" comes from the "Last Played" field. If thats empty, and you ask for a formatted value, thats what you get. If you use a custom expression for your watched marker and not the built-in funcitonality, then its quite likely something went out of sync.
For example, the "finished playback" threshhold in MC for Videos is 90% (ie. when those fields are filled), your expression uses 80%.

Anyhow you can fully customize the expression thats used to generate that text there, by going to the dialog mentioned above.
Settings -> Theater View -> Customize file info panel ...

Now you can do two things in that Dialog. The main thing you see there is for the file info on the right. But if you click Manage -> Edit Template, you can customize the text shown in the file list, and if you select the appropriate template, it should also include the expression that somewhere incorporates Last Played. Which preset is used depends on the media type and sub type, the selection rules are shown in the Edit Template dialog. The rules apply from top to bottom, first match wins.

I don't see any default template that would incorporate that value, so its likely customized.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I don't know how to write Expressions. If this is customized, it must have come from someone else's programing and survived the many upgrades since then. If so, then it must be saved in my Library backups and reinstalled with each upgrade.

Maybe one of Gylnor's custom expressions (many MC versions ago).

So How do I get rid of it and return to default expression for "Watched"?


  • World Citizen
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If fixed, then I wonder why it's still happening on my setup. I have the latest MC version.

Sorry, didn't realise it was still happening. I didn't see a file displaying the issue in your screenshots dated later than February 2018. That's what made me wonder.


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Maybe one of Gylnor's custom expressions (many MC versions ago).

So How do I get rid of it and return to default expression for "Watched"?
If you could paste your current expression I'm sure someone can help to tune it the way you want. Without seeing it I guess that you just need to remove [Plays] expression (and comma separator) from the expanded part of the  expression to get rid of Last Played information


  • Citizen of the Universe
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The expression is shown in my first post, unless you wanted to see something else.

If you can copy and post your code for the "watched" expression, I could copy that. Is it possible to just delete the entire expression then reload the default.


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Copy your values to notepad or somewhere safe in case you want to go back to your current values!

For Watched field I have following calculation:
Code: [Select]
If(IsRange([Bookmark Percent], 0-9), If(Compare([Number Plays],<,1),,✔), If(IsRange([Bookmark Percent], 10-89),[Bookmark Percent]%, ✔))
And the expanded expression in Options >> TheaterView >> Customize file info panel >> Template (Mine is "TV show" from drop down list) >> Manage >> Edit Template >> Expanded:
Code: [Select]
If([AllSameSeries], <font alpha="50">Delimit(TVInfo(SeasonEpisode))<//font>[Name]Delimit(, , / ), TVInfo(NameDisplay))
<font alpha="50">ListBuild(1, / • , If([AllSameSeries],,TVInfo(SeasonEpisode)),TVInfo(DateNoTime),[Plays],[Watched Percent])<//font>

You might want something different but this is how I have set it (this is not default I think).


  • MC Beta Team
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There is a "reset templates to default" under "Manage" but it will reset all your templates so if you have any modifications on other templates you will lose those also


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • MC Beta Team
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The attached image shows the unmodified settings for the TV Show template.

The expression in the Caption Regular section is;
Code: [Select]
If([AllSameSeries], <font alpha="50">Delimit(TVInfo(SeasonEpisode))<//font>[Name]Delimit(Watched(2), , / ), TVInfo(NameDisplay)Delimit(Watched(2), , / )) <font alpha="50">TVInfo(DateNoTime)<//font>
As you can see, there is nothing in the Expanded section.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Thanks for that photo. That helps. I still don't recall where I got my Watched expression from - but I reset to be like yours and everything looks good now.

This is what I had:


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Sounds like one of those guides that fly around the forum. Both [Plays] And [Watched Percent] are not default fields, so they're likely expression fields that generate the data you see.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters
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