Same for all playlists, mine or others, recent or old. Can't find anything that modifies the screen, and it works fine for all other apps (dozens of them). Javascript is on.
Well, I was finally able to replicate your font issue by changing a rather obscure Windows security setting, but I'm not sure if it's the same cause as on your computer.
Is this a corporate computer or your personal computer? It doesn't seem like this setting would have been modified by anyone other than a very security conscious IT administrator. The setting prevents so-called 'untrusted fonts' from being used in applications such as web browsers. I believe that means that any font not already installed in the /Windows/Fonts directory will be blocked. The setting is easily accessible on Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 10 by using the Group Policy Editor. On other Windows versions you need to modify the registry entry manually.
There's a page that describes the procedure here: do a quick check to see if this might be the problem, follow these steps:
1. Open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\
2. Look for a key called "MitigationOptions"
3. If the key exists and has a value beginning with "0x1" followed by 12 digits (either ones or zeros), example: 0x1000000000000, then the "untrusted font blocking" feature is enabled. This is not the default value, the default is to not block fonts.
If you're comfortable editing the registry (and have permission): To turn off the 'feature' so it won't block fonts, change the first digit to "2" instead of "1" (double click the key and edit the Value Data). You must restart the computer before the change takes effect.
Instead of turning off the feature, you can "whitelist" certain apps like IE by following the directions on the above linked Microsoft page.