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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 2406 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: September 13, 2019, 01:30:21 pm »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Build pulled due to issues, stick to 25.0.98 for now

25.0.100 (9/13/2019)

1. NEW: Added a dialog "Portable Library" to allow setting up the filename conversions needed between Windows, Mac, and Linux.
2. Fixed: NFO "rating" tag was not properly imported.
3. NEW: MC will import "Rating" field from the new style "ratings" tag in NFO files.
4. Changed: Updated the Chromium web engine to the latest Chrome release.
5. Changed: Web links stay visible as you visit webpages (instead of going away).
6. NEW: MC will import "Lens" field from TIFF images.
7. NEW: "Focal Length" and "F Number" from TIFF images will be displayed with one decimal place only.
8. NEW: "XResolution" and "YResolution" from TIFF images will carry a unit (dpi or ppcm).
9. Fixed: Playlists added to Gizmo views as a library item would not sort properly.
10. Fixed: Cloudplay PlayDoctor button was not working.  This is the play button that would appear when you entered a genre into the Cloudplay search box.
11. Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.
12. NEW: An option "Jump amount when using mouse wheel to change playback position", to allow users to select how many seconds to jump when mouse wheel is turned (1 - 30 seconds).
13. NEW: When loading from an NFO file for a video, if <rating> or <ratings> tag is not found, <userrating> will be loaded for "Rating" field.
14. Changed: The check for updates Action Window only shows for five seconds if there's no update (so you don't have to close it).
15. Changed: Switched the API call used for Theater View sound playback to hopefully be more responsive.
16. Changed: Made mouse wheel scrolling in a menu always scroll at least one item even if the scroll reported by the system is small (previously it could be discarded).
17. NEW: An option to disable mouse wheel for jumping / skipping.
18. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
19. Fixed: The Tag action window could keep applying tags incorrectly when editing a list field.
20. NEW: String literals can be defined in expressions by using /* comment here /*.  The text will be output without any formatting.
21. NEW: When playing a television channel the OSD program info display will include a "currently recording" or "scheduled to be recorded" symbol in the current and next program names.
22. Fixed: The Tempo & Pitch DSP could crash when fed more then 16 channel, instead it'll gracefully disable now until the limit can be raised.
23. Changed: Made the pane right-click menu show even when the view is locked (it will just disable most the items).
24. Fixed: Loudness could produce a subtle tick when starting playback again.
25. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+A after opening the tag window would not select all in the file list.

25.0.99 (9/4/2019)

1. NEW: TIFF images' "Date", "Artist", and "Description" etc. tags will be imported.
2. Fixed: Right-click in the installer's install path edit control would crash.
3. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Stefan and Bytestar).
4. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
5. Changed: Made all the colors discrete for 7.1 playback in Analyzer (instead of looping previous colors).
6. Fixed: With right visualizations showing the rating could get scrunched.
7. NEW: Save the platform along with a database as platform.jmd.
8. NEW: Added a "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" selection for the Tag window templates.
9. NEW: Some tags in EXIF private IFD are imported from TIFF image files (focal length, F-number, ISO, shutter speed, etc.).
10. Fixed: Panel - Blocked some text from becoming highlighted when using sliders.
11. Changed: Panel - The "no files in playing now" error message now displays the current zone as a link to the settings page.

25.0.98 (8/30/2019)

1. Changed: Brought the equalizer back to Media Editor.
2. Fixed: The equalizer wasn't engaging on the surround right channel.

25.0.97 (8/30/2019)

1. NEW: A new TV channel editing option "Fill 'Channel #' column with current custom channel order number", available through Right-click menu on "Channel #" column header.
2. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
3. Changed: Made TIF import get the camera from the header.
4. NEW: Added an option "Lower and slimmer OSD" on Video playback options.
5. Fixed: On import, we would not set the album from the date if we had just set the date from the file's time.
6. NEW: Replaced the 10 band graphical equalizer with the high quality parametric equalizer code.  Should solve artifacts that have been reported.
7. Changed: The equalizer is commented out of the Media Editor for the time being.

25.0.96 (8/27/2019)

1. NEW: Added the option to show the spectrum analyzers in the player independently for the left and right channels.
2. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
3. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
4. Changed: Made the "Library Views" view header for a library view always show (instead of only when the tree is hidden).
5. Changed: Changed how video conversion fix (in previous build) is done so that it more closely preserves the original video without having to drop many video frames.
6. Changed: Panel - If accessing the Cloudplay page when playing to the browser, the user will be redirected to the home page with a message.
7. Changed: Panel - On the Cloudplay page, only one list can be expanded at a time. Expanding a new list will collapse the previous list.
8. NEW: Added the pane option "Filter panes based on selection" to allow turning off filtering of other panes based on the selection in panes.
9. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.92.  Improves compression of four channel files.  (Thanks Matt)
10. Changed: Slovenian translation updated (thanks Lorem Ipsum).
11. Changed: Files of the type m4b are no longer renamed to mp4 for internal use.
12. Fixed: Compressed dff files (DTS) were returning the wrong block length which resulted in files that were too short in duration during transcoding.

25.0.95 (8/23/2019)

1. NEW: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.89.  Adds support for more than two channel files.
2. Fixed: Import could crash because the new bitrate code didn't handle files without a duration.
3. NEW: Added an MCC to show the playerbar in Display View (code: 22038).  The parameter (optional) is how long to show for.
4. Changed: Reworked how Play Doctor searches online for files so that it uses the original search instead of a processed copy (that might not mean the same thing).
5. Fixed: When converting a poor quality video, such as TV recordings with signal issues, audio and video could be out of synchroniztion.
6. Changed: Panel - The hardcoded buttons on the home page were rendering in a separate row.
7. NEW: Panel - Added lists for latest and popular Cloudplay playlists to the Cloudplay page.
8. Changed: Panel - The volume slider will display the current volume level when actively using it or when hovering over it.
9. Changed: Panel - When actively using the main thumbnail page slider, the display showing the letter selected will be in the center of the page.
10. Changed: Panel - Cloudplay favorites and all playlists are sorted alphabetically.
11. NEW: Added an MCC to set the player text between standard and alternative (code: 22039).  The parameter is the state (-1 toggles).
12. Changed: Reworked how duplicates are managed for Cloud Play so files that aren't going to be played won't be trimmed.
13. Fixed: MIDI audio with file extensions ".rmi" and ".rmid" could not be played if playback type was "Automatic".

25.0.94 (8/20/2019)

1. Fixed: Mp4 videos were imported as audio.
2. Changed: Panel - The Playlists button on the Cloudplay page now shows as loading until it receives the list of Cloudplay playlists.
3. Changed: DLNA: change the SetNextAVTransportURI timing from track end - 18 to track end - 24 to help with slow renderers.
4. Changed: Cloudplay now does a better job of handling the 'back' button when returning from other Media Center views. It's better (not perfect) at preserving the last view.

25.0.93 (8/19/2019)

1. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.84.
2. Changed: Made the MCWS call UserInterface/GetStreaming return an error if the streaming feature is off.
3. Fixed: A possible crash saving options (if one of the features was off).
4. Changed: When right-clicking a file if there are no zones, it will say it in the menu instead of n/a.
5. Changed: Panel - Improved the performance when browsing categories.
6. NEW: Panel - Added last action to the top of the file context menu.
7. Changed: Panel - The Cloudplay playlists section will render much faster.
8. Changed: Panel - The Cloudplay playlists button will show up after the list of playlists has finished loading.
9. Fixed: Panel - The Cloudplay token could become invalid, but Panel would still think it was valid.
10. Changed: Panel - Removed the sign out button from the Cloudplay page now that the issue with invalid tokens is fixed.
11. Changed: Panel - The additional playback controls menu will now hide after making a selection.
12. Fixed: Panel - Clearing the playing now list when it was empty would cause a crash.
13. Fixed: Panel - The playback state would sometimes get set incorrectly when playing to a zone other than the browser.

25.0.92 (8/13/2019)

1. Fixed: The socket write timeout that was being set to the duration of a track from 25.0.86 has been removed (default is now 86400 secs) because it was causing issues with rending devices that had paused playback and that pulled the entire track in one request.

25.0.91 (8/9/2019)

1. Changed: Typed navigation would scroll the list all the way to the left instead of just scrolling vertically.
2. Changed: Nested the Streaming Theater View items under "Radio" and "Stations".
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2019, 02:15:07 pm »

11. Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.

Works great!

Thanks Matt.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2019, 03:12:11 pm »

The license authentication was removed after updating.
It was authenticated when registering again, but the number of restorations was reduced.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2019, 03:17:33 pm »

I opened MC 25.0.100, setup a basic Portable Library rule.  I then closed it, and now when I open it, it stays open for about 5 seconds, then silently crashes and closes.

In the 5 seconds that it's open, I was able to access the Portal Library window, and remove the rules.  Still crashing though.

EDIT: I just rolled back to .98 and it's open and running now without issue. 


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2019, 04:21:05 pm »

After updating mine crashes a few seconds after startup.  Too fast to enable logging.  Rolled back to 98 and it works fine.

After going back to 98, I then upgraded to 100 again and now it's not crashing.  Have restarted it several times with no crashes.  Will update again and try to get logs if it starts crashing again.

Marcus Vinicus

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2019, 04:22:21 pm »

I upgraded from 25.0.98 to 100 and had to completely uninstall it because of repeated crashing.

I reinstalled 98 and all seems normal again.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2019, 05:07:51 pm »

After updating mine crashes a few seconds after startup.  Too fast to enable logging.  Rolled back to 98 and it works fine.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2019, 05:42:45 pm »

I'm also getting the Crash on Launch in the x64 build. Log (including two auto-created memory dumps):

Note: It is crashing on a client-mode copy of MC while looking at a View (though it happens pretty quickly after launching). My server seems to be working okay after the update. However, on that one I closed the UI basically as soon as it finished installing and it opened, and I haven't gone back to the PC.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2019, 06:37:22 pm »

We'll have a fix out for the crash shortly. Just stick to 98 for now. Sorry for the trouble!

In the meantime, I've removed build 100 from auto-update and pulled the links on the top, to avoid any unnecessary frustration.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.100 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2019, 07:17:01 pm »

We'll have a fix out for the crash shortly. Just stick to 98 for now. Sorry for the trouble!

In the meantime, I've removed build 100 from auto-update and pulled the links on the top, to avoid any unnecessary frustration.

Thank you. It's a fact that MC updates builds frequently and almost always without any issues. Thanks for working on the fix!
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