Hi All, I can't say how much I love Media Center. And all the support you give. I knew the YouTube deal was on their end, but waited for a fix from JRiver and today I got an update that fixed it .. Thanks!. On to my request.
In Theater Mode, we have a view that shows just one movie after being selected from the main list. It has the cover, lots of info about the file I custom added under the name, then the description.
After that is the Director, and then Actors.
If we open a movie and see the director is "X", we can arrow or select the directors name, and Media Center sorts all my movies and shows a display of all of them with that director. That is excellent. But I want it to do it for Actors too. I want to see "Bob" is an Actor in the selected movie, and then select his name and have Media Center show me all the movies with "Bob" in them like it does for Directors. The field for Actors contains ALL the actors in a Movie, not just one, or an entry for each, so you cannot choose one. If you choose all you need to be very lucky to have anything show up. How can I see the Actors of a particular Movie being displayed (in Theater Mode) in a list that is pickable one by one, not just the whole list?
Sorry if this was asked for before, I didn't see it, but it is hard to describe. Let me know if I didn't describe it well enough.
Thanks for listening.