FYI: I got a free license for RHEL 8. I believe they will still give you one as long as it is not used for commercial purposes but you have to register an account.
The latest installJMRC script failed when I ran it on RHEL 8. I was able to install Media Center with the downloaded rpm. Would I be missing any dependencies, etc?
Also, I run RHEL 8 and Fedora 32 as guest OSes in a VMware Workstation 15.5 VM. Media Center will play sound only if the "es1371" virtual sound driver is loaded -- Media Center will not work with the newer "hdaudio" virtual sound driver -- Other programs, e.g. Rhythmbox and Audacity, work fine with the "hdaudio" virtual sound driver. [The "hdaudio" driver is preferred over the "es1371" driver.]
I also have Ubuntu (20.04 LTS) and Linux Mint running as guest OSes in VMware. Curiously, Media Center works fine with the "hdaudio" virtual sound driver in these cases. However, these two guest OSes both use VMware Tools (from VMware), whereas the RHEL 8 and Fedora 32 guests use the open-vm-tools (recommended by VMware).