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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 2716 times)


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JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: June 22, 2020, 08:07:57 am »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 26.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)

Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

26.0.94 (6/17/2020)

1. Changed: Automatically update the Playing Now toolbar button (instead of requiring a re-add).
2. Changed: MC will be more tolerating to badly written "Year" tag by other programs.

26.0.93 (6/16/2020)

1. Fixed: The Add to Playing Now toolbar button would not work in the expected way.

26.0.92 (6/16/2020)

1. Fixed: Checking the box in options to submit to was not working.
2. Fixed: WAV streams without a content length did not play.
3. Fixed: Audio stream selection in videos did not always work properly if no language was specified.
4. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar).
5. Fixed: Accents in values for GroupCountQuery did not work properly.
6. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
7. Changed: Searching list fields also searches with and without accents now instead of only without.
8. Fixed: MC could get wrong date from ID3 tags in some mp3 files.
9. NEW: Added the ListFormat(...) expression function.

26.0.91 (6/9/2020)

1. Fixed: Media Center only sends sidecar subtitles for the current file to the client, instead of all found in the current directory tree.
2. Fixed: ListGrep was not honoring the mode switch for case sensitivity.
3. Fixed: The example for ListFind had the wrong function name.
4. Fixed: The number function did not pull negative numbers.
5. NEW: Added a ListRemove expression.
6. Changed: Reverted the change to separate the statusbar text.  It's all in the center again.
7. NEW: Added modes 3 (remove empty strings) and 4 (trim strings) to the ListClean(...) expression function.
8. Fixed: Right-click the Tag window "Customize This Field" would not scroll to the new field if the display name was different than the name.
9. NEW: The author field is filled from OPF sidecars.
10. Fixed: List fields with multiple values did not work properly with the GroupCountQuery function.
11. NEW: Added OPF file tagging for e-books (requires data be on for the sidecar setting).
12. Fixed: The number function searches for actual numbers after a dot so something like (. 1) won't get read as just a dot.
13. Fixed: Loading DSP presets would have the current equalizer settings overwrite the new preset settings.
14. Fixed: The on / off state of plugins would not refresh right away when loading a DSP preset.
15. Fixed: When changing Audio Program using right-click menu for live TV playback, the new audio type and language were not properly configured.
16. Changed: When renaming files, a message will be shown if there are collisions telling that the files will be renamed.  You can continue or cancel.
17. Fixed: FLAC streams without a content length did not play.
18. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).

26.0.90 (6/5/2020)

1. Fixed: Commas in the ListMix(...) function would not get handled properly.

26.0.89 (6/5/2020)

1. Fixed: Editing list fields in the tag window would delimit the list with "; " instead of just ";".
2. NEW: Sidecars for epub books will look for any OPF in the same folder instead of only the same filename.
3. Changed: The -2 parameter for RegEx in the expression language will output all matches now.
4. Changed: The statusbar shows the file status on the right and the working (or ready) status in the center.
5. Fixed: TheMovieDB TV show lookup did not properly use the selected metadata language for all data.
6. Fixed: Playback to MCWS zones could crash when querying about
7. Changed: Made some more replacements of "; " with ";" for list building in tagging.

26.0.88 (6/3/2020)

1. Fixed: Possible crash during playback in rare cases.
2. Changed: Manage TV Channels tool will now show channel details (Device name, URL, etc.) of Tuner Stream channels.
3. Changed: When matching TitanTV TV channels with ATSC channels in MC, we use relaxed matching criteria because TitanTV uses outdated physical channel number on some channels.
4. Changed: When viewing an ATSC channel using TitanTV interface, MC will try matching with a Tuner Stream channel if an ATSC channel is not found.
5. Changed: The ListMix expression function escapes parenthesis in the replacements so they won't disrupt the parser and look like functions.
6. NEW: Added the expression Enviro to load a system environment variable.
7. Fixed: The ListMix function included extra information by mistake in the tooltip.
8. Changed: All the parameters for live playback are in the URL so you can configure multiple streams pointing to different hardware and save them to a playlist or similar.
9. NEW: Added a ListGrep expression function to filter a list to a matching string.
10. Fixed: Setting current audio program as default when playing live TV on a client did not work.
11. Fixed: Movie lookup on TheMovieDB uses a specified year for more accurate results.
12. Fixed: Looking up TV Shows on TheMovieDB will prefer the previously selected show, as intended.
13. Changed: Added Genre and Access Rating to the TheMovieDB TV series lookup.
14. Changed: The "Get Movie & TV Info" tool allows selecting a desired movie poster or episode thumbnail, instead of only offering up the first one.
15. Changed: Made the option to scrobble zone specific (you'll have to turn it back on for the zones you want).
16. Changed: won't ask for a login when the program is in error free mode.
17. Changed: GroupSummaryQuery delimits a list of fields with semi-colons instead of dashes.
18. Changed: When we search for accents, we search for both the accent and the non-accent instead of only the non-accent (makes GroupSummaryQuery work better).
19. Fixed: Sat>IP TV tuner did not work in recent builds.

26.0.87 (5/29/2020)

1. NEW: Slanted quotes (“”) in titles are replaced with regular quotes (") for lyrics lookup.
2. NEW: Slanted single quotes (‘’) in titles are replaced with reqular single quotes (') for lyrics lookup.
3. NEW: Added a mode 5 to the Clean(...) expression function that standardizes quotes.
4. NEW: Revamped Tuner Stream (DMS) TV channel support.  Primarily for Linux and Mac, but will work on Windows.  Tested with HDHomeRun Prime, and HDHomeRun Extend tuners.  Should also work with HDHomeRun Connect.
5. Changed: Media Center now uses TheMovieDB for TV Show metadata lookup, series/season posters and Theater View background art.

26.0.86 (5/27/2020)

1. Changed: The OSD doesn't display when playing an image, then jumping to full screen (before it would show the zoom level).

26.0.85 (5/27/2020)

1. Fixed: Starting an image playing and then jumping to Display View would not make the image fill the view.
2. Fixed: The subtitle engine would select the wrong sidecar subtitle files in some situations.
3. Changed: Disabled event notifications for other applications through global broadcast messages, since they can interfer with smooth operation of other applications.
4. Changed: Made exclusive the default for WASAPI again.
5. Changed: Standardized on ";" for the list delimiter instead of "; " for all the expressions.
6. Changed: Actors, producers, etc. from TheMovieDB are delimited with ";" instead of "; ".
7. Changed: Memory playback turns off when there's less than 256 MB of memory (previously it would still try to allocate that much).
8. Changed: Memory playback no longer disables for URL playback.
9. Changed: Use higher quality resampling for DSD from PCM playback.
10. Changed: Enter in the search box of Options no longer closes.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2020, 10:36:12 am »

Subtitle search in Get Movie & TV Info for Media Sub Type=TV Show does not find any SRT files in MC.  But if you go directly to the web site, SRT files exist for the TV shows I'm looking for.  I end up manually copying the desired SRT file to my PC.  MC Subtitle search seems to work fine for Movies.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2020, 11:04:02 am »

It is nice mediacenter notifies me of dupes when renaming files. Showing these would be even nicer, because it would be much easier to track them down.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2020, 01:37:52 pm »

v26.0.94 - Hard Crash detected when highlighting tracks from a single album - then right click and choose Convert Format.

The Convert Format panel appears in the lower left. I then click Preset-?Load and choose one my four templates (Convert to MP3 for example) and MC simply disappears.

This one had been scheduled to be fixed this build - maybe did not make it in?




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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2020, 02:08:13 pm »

This one had been scheduled to be fixed this build - maybe did not make it in?

That fix is coming to build 95 and later.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2020, 02:09:12 pm »

That fix is coming to build 95 and later.




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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2020, 04:05:39 pm »

v26.0.94, and v26.091 as well, suddenly shuts down itself whenever I try to play any file (audio or video) stored in my NAS. Playback from a local drive seems to be OK.

v26.0.90 was working fine.

I hope the logfiles attached will help you guys to fix this issue.

Thank you!



Rebuilding the library did the trick.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2020, 12:41:02 pm »

Here's one more log in addition to this problem and log. Both are on .94 build


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2020, 02:20:56 pm »


I have MC26.0.91 installed, 32-Bit.

I can convert from flac to mp3 or from mp3 to flac no problem whatsoever.

If I load files, paricularly files never played before MC crashes (disappears). Sometimes when I add cover artI noticed it does audio analyis in the background (R128 etc.) May this is where it crashes.

If I just play files which have benn alreadyin  MC for longer time, it works stable.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2020, 03:19:06 pm »


I have MC26.0.91 installed, 32-Bit.

I can convert from flac to mp3 or from mp3 to flac no problem whatsoever.

If I load files, paricularly files never played before MC crashes (disappears). Sometimes when I add cover artI noticed it does audio analyis in the background (R128 etc.) May this is where it crashes.

If I just play files which have benn alreadyin  MC for longer time, it works stable.

mp3 to flac is a big no no
“I've Reached A Turning Point In My Life. I Now Realize I Have More Yesterdays Then Tomorrows”


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2020, 03:39:54 pm »

yes I know.

But it works in either way flawless: mp3 to flac, flac to mp3. Thats what I wanted to say.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2020, 10:09:45 am »


I must correct:
The version I run now is MC26.0.80, 32-Bit

Looks like the stability problem was even before MC26.0.80

I have MC26.0.91 installed, 32-Bit.
Correct is: MC26.0.80

I can convert from flac to mp3 or from mp3 to flac no problem whatsoever.

If I load files, paricularly files never played before MC crashes (disappears). Sometimes when I add cover artI noticed it does audio analyis in the background (R128 etc.) May this is where it crashes.

If I just play files which have benn alreadyin  MC for longer time, it works stable.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2020, 11:48:03 am »

Question to Matt: why is it, that there's no ASIOhost service in the Windows taskmanager (ctrl + alt + del) details tab while using the ASIO on my JRMedia Center?

With the foobar2000 for example. the exact same ASIO service is always there in the Windows taskmanager-details tab


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2020, 02:08:16 pm »

Made my above question clearer


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.94 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2020, 06:48:39 pm »

Also sorry to Matt for pm'ing you twice, the 2nd pm was an accident. So please reply there or here whatevet you like, your help would be greatly appreciated.
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