Reproducible Crash in MC 9.0.156:I've found a reproducible way to crash MC 9.0.156 (on my system, at least). This crash is new to build 156, since I have successfully carried out these steps with 155.
If someone else was willing to try to reproduce this, I'd appreciate it. Here are the steps (in gory detail). I mention "APE" and "MP3" files here, but you can probably substitute any other audio file types, depending on what you have in your MC9 library...
1) Right click the "Audio" tree view entry, and select "Add New View Scheme...".
2) Uncheck Auto-name, supply a name of "Other Audio File Types".
3) Click Add, and add component type "File Type".
4) For search criteria, go to Add Rule > File Info > Media Type... and check Audio (leave "Include" selected down below). I have since realized that this step is redundant, since we're already under the "Audio" view, but it's of no matter.
6) For additional search criteria, go to Add Rule > File Info > File Type... and check "ape" and "mp3" (or any file type(s) you happen to have listed--
I think you have to select ALL of the file types you have listed for this crash to be reproducible, as mentioned toward the end of this post). Leave "Only show items that match other search criteria" selected, but select "Exclude" for "Do what with the selections" (this last point is important!).
This should leave you with a "View Scheme Properties" dialog that looks like this:

At this point, if you click OK, MC9 may crash. It does on my system, every time--and I've tried several times now.
If I add a "fake" Ogg Vorbis (OGG) file, then import that file into my MC9 library, and repeat the steps shown above, MC9 does not crash. So, the crash seems to have to do with MC9 not finding any file type that isn't excluded by the search criteria.
Another way to make MC9 crash, even after creating a "fake" file, and having this view scheme in place, is to subsequently remove the "fake" file from the library, and then go to the "Other Audio File Types" view. MC9 scrambles to create the view, and finding nothing, eats dirt.
Again, this exact same view worked fine for me with build 155.I have also found that if I select "Include" for "Do what with the selections" in step (6), it works fine (i.e. it does not crash). But that doesn't help me in this case!
System Info:Media Center Registered 9.0.156 -- C:\Program Files\Media Center\
Microsoft Windows XP Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 1376 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1048 MB, Free - 513 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2800.1106 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp1.020828-1920) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2800.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)
Shell32.dll: 6.00.2800.1145 (xpsp2.021108-1929)wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive P: Copy mode:ModeSecure CD Type:Auto Read speed:2
Drive R: Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer CD Type:Auto Read speed:Max
Drive V: Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer CD Type:Auto Read speed:Max
Drive W: Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer CD Type:Auto Read speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Use YADB: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: No / Play sound after ripping: Yes Soundfile: D:\Data\Media\Sounds\AlarmBeep.wav
Burning / Drive P: PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W1610A Addr: 1:1:0 Speed:16 MaxSpeed:16 Use MJ Engine:Yes
Drive R: RICOH DVD/CDRW MP9120 Addr: 0:1:0 Speed:12 MaxSpeed:12 Use MJ Engine:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: No / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No / Normalization: None