This is why I gave up using Roon and never relied on iTunes. My solution works across platforms, and allows me to use software tools (where necessary) to help, but it entails doing much of the management yourself when you add files to the library. My audio collection is divided into 9 main directories one for each genre, eg 'Blues', Classical', 'HardToClassify', 'Jazz', 'Rock+Pop' etc. For most genres, I have a folder to represent each artist - eg 'Rock+Pop/Beatles', 'Jazz/Davis, Miles'. However, the classical directory is organised by composer - so 'Beethoven, Ludwig van' etc. Each album gets its own sub-sub directory, and I've found it useful to prefix each album name with the year of release.
Once you have done this, in mediacenter, use the 'Files' entry to walk through your collection. It's then very easy to move the column headers around to suit. I've attached a screenshot, which I hope helps.