What we send now when you purchase should satisfy the need for an invoice. It lists our name, the product, the amount, date, etc. I've never understood why it isn't satisfactory.
It may sometimes get sorted to a spam folder by the email program. It comes from buy-button at jriver. This is what we send.
JRiver, Inc.
www.jriver.com[INVOICE #]
[Customer Name]
[Description] [Price]
Paid [by Paypal or CC]
License below
Problems or Questions? Please read Restoring a License:
https://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Restoring_a_LicenseYour Registration Code is [Registration Code]
Please download and install Media Center first:
https://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/DownloadIf necessary old versions are also available:
https://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Old_VersionsThen run Media Center and enter your Registration Code (under Help >
Install License, or on the startup screen). If the matching version of
Media Center is installed, the license will be installed automatically.
Problems or Questions? Please read Restoring a License: