I have IPTV (.m3u) xml files, example:
#EXTINF:0 group-title="USA",US: PBS | HD
#EXTINF:0 group-title="USA",US: Create HD
When I import the file into MC it breaks up the channels as separate .ts library entries. I assign them a custom tag (IPTV) and use them in Theater View. Works great.
But what would be really nice is if I could assign EPG guide information to those files, so that I could use the TV guide. I could see this happening in one of two ways...either supporting this XML format directly in the television setup (which would be nice to auto-assign channel names so matching them to EPG data is easier) or simply allowing us to use files when adding "channels" in TV Options>Manage Channels. I think that this would be an easy change that would allow us to assign EPG information to IPTV streaming channels.
At the bare minimum it would be nice if we could get "Channel" added to the video Media Subtypes so that we could display and categorize them a bit easier.