Pane checkboxes, are you referring to this example you gave?
Oh, and no, that is not a picture of the Pane checkboxes. These are:

I almost never tag anything in the Tag AW or in the file listing grid. Probably 95% of things I manually edit, I edit there.
That's what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to be able to use my [Artist Display] expression which will spit out the list of artists in Name-Swapped order, and to be able to check the little boxes next to "Swift, Taylor" (or control click it to add her) and have it write out "Taylor Swift" to the [Artist] field for the selected files.
If I can make the [Artist] field itself show the values (stored in the database as "Taylor Swift") as "Swift, Taylor" in those panes, and let me tick the boxes next to them to assign the track with [Artist]="Taylor Swift" (with the optional holding-control to add her to the list instead). Then it would work that way just as well for me. If it doesn't solve
that issue, though, it doesn't solve my problem.
I'm not sure how that is overall relevant to your idea, but that's what I'm trying to do, and from that comment I quoted, I'm not sure you use those.