Not really.
Search the Release Notes and the Forum for the original functionality announcement for Lyrics, and the changes to add pages. There may be some hints there.
I don't usually watch the Lyrics, and just display them all without pages. But I just tested with various line counts and playing to another MC installation as a DLNA Renderer, and while the Seekbar worked, Lyrics pages stayed on page 1 of x as you described. I thought it might be because the MC Audio Engine wasn't being used, as I was sending the audio file in Original format to the DLNA Renderer. So I forced MC to convert to a specified output format and use the local Audio Engine (as shown by the Audio Path having content) by adding some DSP to the playback, and the lyrics still didn't scroll.
So perhaps the functionality wasn't implemented for DLNA playback.
PS: The pages do change if playing to a local device.