Hi guys
What I'm looking for: means that automatically creates a playlist for each album that I export/sync with my hand-held (e.g. ten exported albums would yield ten playlists).
Why do I want this: using the A&K KANN – an older yet powerful Android driven DAP – there is no option to list albums by album artist. Given many albums with some tracks that have collaborating artists, all artists in the artist name field are listed/separated by either an ampersand (&) or semicolon symbol (iTunes Store uses the ampersand, Tidal and Qobuz use a semicolon). As the DAP cannot resolve the ampersand or the semicolon correctly, it would split up the album and the only way to listen to a full album would then be to go via the album view.
Having dedicated playlists named somewhat like [ALBUM ARTIST] - [ALBUM NAME] would solve the above issues.
Any ideas how I can achieve that in an automatic manner?