It becomes more and more difficult to find a soundcard which allows AC3 DTS passthrough.
Now I found PCM2704 which is supported by Windows 10 as WASAPI device.
It automatically switches the bitrate according the bitrate of the recording. The AV-receiver reports correcty 32, 44.1 and 48kHz.
This lets me think, that audio is sent as an unaltered stream from the audio file over S/PDIF to the amp.
But MC des not send AC3 and DTS streams. MC says that the device does not support that.
How is that that possible ? As long as an app is able to send any audio signal without modification (bitperfect) to the output, it must be able to send AC3/DTS. This coding is transported in L/R audio stream. Am I right ?
It seems that MC does not try to send AC3 DTS because Windows tells that the Audio device is stereo only. This is correct for the DAC. But as long this is not used, compressed formats still can be sent over SPDIF, while the DAC would generate noise.
S/PDIF works unidirectional. Therefore the AV-receiver cannot tell the player what bitrates and codecs are supported. In windows a property page for SPDIF audio devices allows entering this settings which then will be shown to the player app.
The PCM2704 does not offer this SPDIF property page. If MC would offer this settings itself in the Audio Options, passthrough would be possible with any soundcard which allows bitperfect playback.
The Bitstreaming Dialog would have to be enhanced to offer also the sample rates 32, 44.1 48 and 96kHz.