I've looked through the forum to see if this has already been addressed, but didn't find anything. So if it already has, my apologies for the duplicate thread.
I upgraded from MC24 to MC28 and I love it--with one exception. It's a minor one, but has been bothering me.
When I set-up the columns (name, filename, duration, etc., etc.) that I want to use and the width of those columns, each time I exit MC28 and open it up again later, the columns 'reset' to their default (I assume) width. Even if I navigate from one folder to a different folder and then back to the original folder, they reset.
In my previous versions of MC, once I set up the column types, widths, etc. they remained as I set them up, regardless of what folder I navigated to.
Here's a screen shot of what I am trying to explain. I set-up these columns and column widths for whatever folder I navigate to:
I navigate away from this particular folder, then back (or navigate from this folder to any other folder), and/or exit MC28, everything resets, regardless of the folder:
I've tried a variety of settings, created a custom preset, etc. and the issue persists. This is occuring on both of our PCs, so it's not specific to a PC.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here....
Any help would be greatly appreciated.