Hello, I would like to get the composer of the track currently playing using MCWS, and noticed that MCWS/v1/Playback/Info?Zone=-1 does not include composer:
ZoneID: The zone ID of this zone.
ZoneName: The display name of this zone.
State: The playback state of the player.
FileKey: The database key of the playing file.
NextFileKey: The database key of the next file to play.
PositionMS: The position of the playback in milliseconds.
DurationMS: The duration of the playing file in milliseconds.
ElapsedTimeDisplay: The elapsed playback time as a display friendly string.
RemainingTimeDisplay: The remaining playback time as a display friendly string.
TotalTimeDisplay: The total playback time as a display friendly string.
PositionDisplay: The playback position as a display friendly string.
PlayingNowPosition: The index of the current track in Playing Now.
PlayingNowTracks: The number of files in Playing Now.
PlayingNowPositionDisplay: The current Playing Now position formatted for display.
PlayingNowChangeCounter: A counter that increments any time the playlist is changed.
Bitrate: The current bitrate, in kbps.
Bitdepth: The current bitdepth.
SampleRate: The current sample rate in Hz.
Channels: The number of audio channels in the current output.
Chapter: The current playback chapter.
Volume: The current volume.
VolumeDisplay: A display friendly string version of the current volume.
ImageURL: An image URL for the current file.
Artist: Artist of current file.
Album: Album of current file.
Name: Name of current file.
Rating: Rating of current file.
Status: Playback status as a displayable string.
LinkedZones: Semicolon delimited list of zone names in the link (only provided if this zone is part of a link).
Is there another way to get this infomation using MCWS?
As a request, could <Item Name="Composer"> be included as part of the Info call?