Thanks Jim,
Yes indeed that is an option I did look at. You can appreciate though before I spend A$220 on a new device I am trying to exhaust all problem solving a technical glitch that does not allow the system to see an otherwise functioning card. I know the card is working.
My latest theory is that the Tuner card is behaving like GPU cards setup; where Linux grabs the card and attaches the driver and although it appears as though the host has let the card go, to then be assigned in the VM for Windows drivers (because it appears fine in Device manager), it has not really let it go at all which is similar to what occurs with GPUs. Thus I need to not only have the GPU pinned to the Linux host stub drivers on boot up so they can be handed successfully to the VM, but also I need to load this tuner card in the same way somehow? I have successfully built a Linux host, with KVM/QEMU Win10, setup so Windows does not know it is running in a VM, with full access to my GPU hardware which is passed-through. This tuner card was the last piece of the puzzle in having the VMs accessing all of the PC hardware that I choose to pass through to them.
Problem is; I am new to Linux and I don't want to go through relearning how to fix the tuner setup by breaking the GPU pass through for the interim at this moment. I will give this a crack at some point and update this post with the details if successful for the sake of learning for others who come after me.
There are many reasons why I am moving to a host system running full hardware access VMs underneath running Windows, MacOS or anything else I wish - not the least of which is the Microsoft adware & spyware built into Windows 10/11. So I am sure there will be others who also go down this path in the months/years to come.