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Author Topic: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens  (Read 19541 times)


  • World Citizen
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Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2023, 12:04:38 pm »

Correct. What is done is done. like: main front, actor images and recommendations images. Aligning everything with MC is really time consuming when dealing with changing lengths of eg descriptions but I think I got it mostly right and don't see any more movies which breaks the layout ie Movie name is too up or actor row is cropped or not visible at all. Links are unchanged. I would like create couple of more sections still but haven't figured out how to make nice video+audio+subs details section which would fit this theme also maybe section for other crew members and awards/critic ratings. I may publish what I have though if I don't get inspiration to do those in following days. Kind of need break already.

BTW. If your file naming is consistent you could scrape version data from there and save some manual filling time

I struggle with file naming, ripped my whole collection basically with whatever makemkv named them and now 700+ are what they are.

Any program to rename them correctly based on JRiver knowing what they are?


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Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2023, 12:40:20 pm »

You're standing on it  ;D

MC got very powerful tool Rename, Move, & Copy files (RMC). I ran everything through even though MC doesn't care about how clean the filename is as it is database driven program. Still I like to have my files in order. For example for Movies my I use move template which creates files like: //server//Movies/T/Terminator 2_ Judgement Day [Skynet Edition] [4K].mkv

But this is a little off topic here. Anyway there are probably topics here about RMC tool or you can start new for specifics. But in short you can use MC database fields to form folders/filenames you desire

Beware though as it is a powerful tool, so take time to learn and experiment and look at the preview before doing anything that could backfire  ;D



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Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2023, 12:26:34 pm »

WIP.... Updated small screen up to date with large theme. Had to loose tag line at least for now as predicting coordinates is challenging enough with these components as I like to keep components at the same place  when browsing the movies. Changes to icon row also possible. Haven't eg discovered a good  image for watched


  • World Citizen
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Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2023, 01:54:25 pm »

Looks awesome.  I got my file naming all worked out can't wait for 1.3.


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Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2023, 12:39:45 pm »

    User fields "needed" for Movies Template: NoPoster V1.3
    Should mostly work without these but you'll will miss some fancy things if field doesn't exist. Most of the fields have been required already with earlier versions so no all are new to this v1.3.
    (wiki about fields)

    You can create all below fields with MCUtils using xml file included. Backup your database first and use it ON YOUR OWN RISK! Using -T test switch should only simulate changes so remove it when ready run for real.
    Code: (example with test switch on) [Select]
    .\ CreateMCFields --filename D:\audio\MCUtils\new_fields.xml -VVT

    Also attached .txt with MCWS API web calls to create fields


    Manually populated fields:
    Version | string, holds movie version info like Director's Cut etc.
    Audio Title (external) | list, hold audio track title info when analyze can't determine title or it doesn't exist e.g. when DVD/BD structure. If valued, is used instead of Audio Title field

    Populated by MCUtils / ZRatings (ZRating doesn't support Recommendations field from TMDb AFAIK):
    Actors (alt) | string, holds "Actor name [Role]". Used to show actor image, actor name and role name. (MCUtils or ZRatings)
    IMDb Id | string, IMDb id (MCUtils or ZRatings)
    IMDb Rating | string, IMDb rating from OMDb (ZRatings)
    IMDb Votes | string, IMDb irating from OMDb (ZRatings)
    IMDb Description (short) | string, Short plot from OMDb (ZRatings)
    Rotten Tomatoes | string, Rotten Tomatoes rating from OMDb (ZRatings)
    Awards | string, Awards from OMDb (ZRatings)
    TMDb Id | string, TMDb Id (MCUtils or ZRatings)
    TMDb Rating | string, TMDb Rating (MCUtils or ZRatings)
    TMDb Popularity | string, TMDb Popularity (MCUtils or ZRatings)
    Recommendations (raw) | list, Recommendations list*  (MCUtils)
    Code: (* Recomendations formula for the MCUtils configuration file:) [Select]
    recommendations  => [ 'Recommendations (raw)',            'tmdb', {
            format => { formatname => 'fmt_recommendations', formatcode => sub {
                my $p = shift;
                return sprintf "%s__%s__%s", $p->{'name'}, $p->{'date'}, $p->{'id'};

    Special Fields for recommendations usage populated by template itself:
    zsRecommendations | string, (Script will handle following: list of lists: "image path__imdb rating__tmdb rating". Populated when entering big screen or offline with ZStats)
    RecScrapedDate | date, date when zsRecommendation was last updated. Used to adjust how often zsRecommendation calculations is done

    Calculated fields:
    (Now I know it is a plenty of fields and I could hide all the calculated fields using variables but then I would need to maintain two templates: one for my own usage where i have the fields created and one here using variables and it is too much maintenance hassle for me....)

    Name: Field names below
    Edit Type: Cannot be edited
    Calculated Data: Rule after field name here

    Video Format (pretty)If([HDR Format,0],
        ListMix([Definition]IfCase([L1],8, DolbyVision, -Dolby Vision, HDR10+, -HDR10+, HDR10, -HDR10),8,Replace([HDR Format],/,,;)),
    Aspect Ratio (pretty)IfCase(Replace([Aspect Ratio],/,,.), 3,
        0.30, unknown,
        0.9, portrait,
        1.17, 1.00,
        1.35, 1.33,
        1.5, 1.37,
        1.72, 1.66,
        1.82, 1.78,
        1.93, 1.85,
        2.1, 2.00,
        2.28, 2.20,
        2.37, 2.35,
        2.47, 2.39,
        2.6, 2.55,
        2.71, 2.65,
        2.99, 2.76,
        20, wide
    Video Codec (pretty)IfCase([Video Codec],8,
        HEVC, HEVC,
        H264, AVC,
        MPEG4 Simple Profile, MPEG4,
        MPEG4 Advanced Simple Profile, XVID,
        MSMPEG4V3, DIV3,
    Recommendations (pretty)ListMix(ListItem([L1],0,__) /(Left(ListItem([L1],1,__),4)/),,[Recommendations (raw)])
    Recommendations (id)ListMix(ListItem([L1],2,__),,[Recommendations (raw)])
    RecMatcherNumber([TMDb Id])__[image file]__Decimal([IMDb Rating])__Decimal(FormatNumber([TMDb Rating],1))

    Calculated LINK fields:
    LINK_Extras_MovieIf([NoExtras],,If(Or(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Extras),IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Movie)),EXTRAS for [Name] /(FormatDate([Date,0],year)/),))
    LINK_Year_MovieIf(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Movie),Movies released in FormatDate([Date,0],year),)
    LINK_DirectorIf(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Movie),Directed by ListItem([Director],0),)
    LINK_Genre_MovieIf(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Movie),Movies at genre Replace(ListSort(ListLimit([Genre],2)),;,/ /// ),)
    LINK_StarMovies starring ListLimit([Actors],1)
    LINK_IMDb_RatingMovies rated Math(Int([IMDb Rating])) in IMDb


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #55 on: July 13, 2023, 06:02:46 pm »

    Movies Template: NoPoster 100% MC Scaling (1920x1080 [OS 100%] or 3840x2160 [OS 200%]) V1.3.4

    I've spent quite much time for tinkering this and now doesn't have any ideas or motivation to work on this further right now so I decided it is time to share and maybe it is helpful for some other. Lots of new stuff and refactoring done so probably there are things that don't work for you or looks different than for me... Creating fields and configuring may seem like a big job but i'd say that documenting these are actually much bigger job than setting this up.

    Template is designed for 100% theaterview scaling, 3840x2160 (200% Windows OS scaling) / 1920x1080 (100 OS scaling) resolution and "show more values at a time in the file info panel" enabled. Changing the values to some other will break the layout a bit or completely

    • Create fields needed to get most of the template. MCUtils xml-file attached can create the fields automatically (MCUtils is required for recommendations). Also added MCWS calls to create fields with browser
    • Save tooltip images attached to your MC installation/data/tooltip folder
    • Copy paste "NoPoster (100%) v1.3.4.txt" (Tools >> Options >> Theater View >> Options >> ...Customize file info panel... >> Manage >> Add Template From Clipboard) (first post installation and config.jpg for reference guide). See also attached link in this post
    • Install fonts. I'm using Theater (Thanks FenceMan for suggestion), Hack and Segoe UI. Hack can be changed in the configuration but template is untested with any other mono type. Feel free to test wit some other mono font and report back
    • You can use below configuration description as a reference guide to disable/enable features and set file paths in CONFIGURATION row of the template. (see attached image where to change configuration options)

    Configuration descriptions:
      By default all the special sections are disabled (value 0, change value to 1 to enable it) as they require those yser fields you might not have created. Edit configuration value only when customizing

    v_PRIMARY_LANGFinnishPrimary language. Shows flag
    v_SECONDARY_LANGEnglishSecondary language. Shows this flag if no primary
    v_MONO_FONTface="Hack"Mono font to be used. without mono font things break
    v_USE_RECOMMENDATIONS_IMAGES1Show movie recommendations images
    v_RECOMMENDATIONS_IMAGES_ZSTATS0Recommendations from offline ZStats, no realtime calc
    v_RECOMMENDATIONS_SCRAPE_EXPIRY30How often real time calc (slowish operation) is done again
    v_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATHe://.MC Images//Actors//Path to your actor images
    V_TOOLTIP_PATHd://audio//MC31//Data//Tooltip//Path to your MC tooltip folder
    v_LOGO_FILEPATHe://.MC Images//Movies//Replace([Name],:,/ ) /([Year]/) /[[imdb id]/]//Logos//logo.pngMovie logo path, feature not really aligned and not working status
    v_ACTOR_ALT_ROLES1when set 1, actors (alt) is used: field format "actor name [role name]" file format: "actor name". when set 0, actors is used: field format "actor name [role name]" file format: "actor name [role name]".
    v_SHOW_TEXT_ROLES0Show role names using text
    v_SHOW_TEXT_ACTORS0Show actor names using text
    v_SHOW_POSTER0Show movie poster
    v_LOGO0Show movie logo. Not working status as not aligned
    v_SHOW_ACTOR_MODULE0Show Actor images module
    v_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS_MODULE0Show Recommendations module
    v_SHOW_VIDEO_DETAILS_MODULE0Show Video Details module
    v_SHOW_RATINGS_MODULE0Show Ratings module
    v_DEBUG_ON0Show debug information

    2023-07-30 v1.3.4 removed some tstuff used when testing which broke path configuration (3)
    2023-07-29 v1.3.3 More details on video details and more debugging fields (7)
    2023-07-19 v1.3.2 Compatibility fixes with different environments (6)
    2023-07-15 v1.3.1 small fixes / optimizations under the hood
    2023-07-14 Added font information
    2023-07-14 Initial instructions


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #56 on: July 13, 2023, 06:03:33 pm »

    NoPoster (100%) V1.3 screenshots


    • World Citizen
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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #57 on: July 13, 2023, 06:44:36 pm »

    Not sure where to put the actors folder?

    C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\.MC Images\Actors

    Is that not it?


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #58 on: July 13, 2023, 06:46:36 pm »

    If your actors images are in that folder then replace my default path with yours in the configuration. See your ZRatings (or MCUtils) settings to see where it does save the images if unsure

    my actor images are located at "e:\.MC Images\Actors\" so in my configuration it is:
    Save(e://.MC Images//Actors//, V_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATH)/

    i use / (another / to escape...) notation so it will also work in linux but in windows tou can use \

    So you don't have to use same dir as i am hence the configuration option  :P


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #59 on: July 14, 2023, 05:38:06 am »

    If your actors images are in that folder then replace my default path with yours in the configuration. See your ZRatings (or MCUtils) settings to see where it does save the images if unsure

    my actor images are located at "e:\.MC Images\Actors\" so in my configuration it is:
    Save(e://.MC Images//Actors//, V_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATH)/

    i use / (another / to escape...) notation so it will also work in linux but in windows tou can use \

    So you don't have to use same dir as i am hence the configuration option  :P

    Still not working.

    If my Actors folder is - C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\.MC Images\Actors

    Then the line should be Save(C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\.MC Images\Actors\, V_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATH)\ ??

    Also if I want to show the posters how do I set the path to that?


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #60 on: July 14, 2023, 05:58:26 am »

    Path looks good. How is your actor filenames? Expression looks at forename surname.png e.g. Sylvester Stallone.png
    So with your path settings Sly's image disk location should be "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\.MC Images\Actors\Sylvester Stallone.png". If you have also rolename in the filename then I need to do some changes.

    Poster for movie in question doesn't need any path setting as it using [image file] field to get the poste file. It should be enough if you just configure v_SHOW_POSTER to value 1



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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #61 on: July 14, 2023, 06:04:53 am »

    Path looks good. How is your actor filenames? Expression looks at forename surname.png e.g. Sylvester Stallone.png
    So with your path settings Sly's image disk location should be "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\.MC Images\Actors\Sylvester Stallone.png". If you have also rolename in the filename then I need to do some changes.

    Poster for movie in question doesn't need any path setting as it using [image file] field to get the poste file. It should be enough if you just configure v_SHOW_POSTER to value 1

    That is how my actors are named.  Also posters show as blank when I set to 1.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #62 on: July 14, 2023, 06:09:59 am »

    Just to make sure that v1.3 is moved top of the template list so it gets activated for movies and MC is not actually using the older one.

    Also do you get MAIN CAST header text or is that also missing in addition to actual photos?


    • World Citizen
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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #63 on: July 14, 2023, 06:11:49 am »

    Just to make sure that v1.3 is moved top of the templates so it gets activated for movies and MC is not actually using the older one


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #64 on: July 14, 2023, 06:12:40 am »

    Also do you get MAIN CAST header text or is that also missing in addition to actual photos?


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #65 on: July 14, 2023, 09:26:37 am »

    Also do you get MAIN CAST header text or is that also missing in addition to actual photos?

    I kind of gave up on actors but I did customize one of your scripts to look exactly how I want.  I really appreciate your work on this and really wish it was easier to integrate.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #66 on: July 14, 2023, 10:54:54 am »

    Too bad you didn't get it working as I tried real hard to make it as easy as possible to integrate for other systems than mine. Cool though that alternative route was success for you and you are satisfied. Your mods looks good although Carlito look a bit weird nowdays in the poster  ;)


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #67 on: July 16, 2023, 02:10:28 am »

    Thank you lepa for your work.

    This time however, it will be the difficulty of the language, it will be that I can't understand many technical terms, but it will be mainly due to my age  ;D, this time I have difficulty creating the new template.

    First of all I would like to ask you one thing: how do I create new fields in the library using Zratings and the xml file you attached? On Zratings I can't find the possibility to upload an xml file :'(


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #68 on: July 16, 2023, 04:26:18 am »

    xml is for MCUtils. Zratings creates fields when you map them in the zratings field settings so most probably you already have those. So you are perhaps only missing those generic fields below. Also you don't need anything related to recommendations as recommendations is only supported by MCUtils. You could try to ask zybex to add it also to ZRatings.

    Setup looks more intimidating than it really is because I tried to document it so thoroughly. If you know how to create a field in MC creating next fields is basically one by one copy-paste job for few minutes after you have created one. You could post images about your ZRatings field mappings so I can see if you have different names than me.

    I tried also to make MCWS calls to create fields. So if you have MC web service (needed with remotes) online you could use web browser to create missing fields. web service returns failure i think if field already exist. You cannot just click below lines as there are spaces in the address but you need to copy paste whole row. also port needs to match with your port (i think 52199 is default in MC)

    Generic user populated fields

    Generic calculated fields to show icons

    Generic link fields

    ZRatings (zratings have already created these if you have these in the field mappings there)

    MCUtils: needed for role names and recommendations module. If you dont't have MCUtils these are not needed


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #69 on: July 16, 2023, 05:57:39 am »

    If you know how to create a field in MC It is basically one by one copy-paste job for few minutes after you have created one. You could post images about your ZRatings field mappings so I can see if you have different names than me.
    I'm not sure what you mean, but you can copy and paste a tag to many files.  Select a file to copy from, do the usual ctrl-c.  Then select the files you want to copy to and do ctrl-shift-v and then select which tags to copy to the files.

    You deserve a medal for your work and your very patient support.  Thank you!


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #70 on: July 16, 2023, 06:08:15 am »

    I'm not sure what you mean, but you can copy and paste a tag to many files.  Select a file to copy from, do the usual ctrl-c.  Then select the files you want to copy to and do ctrl-shift-v and then select which tags to copy to the files.
    I'm talking about creating a new field in MC and with copy-paste I mean copy-pasting field name (and expression for calculated field) from my post into MC's "add new field UI"  :)


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #71 on: July 16, 2023, 12:09:59 pm »

    I manually created all the fields not present, and I managed to get a little something.
    The main things I can't see are the images of the actors, the logos and the poster.
    Of course I changed the path to the folders where the images of the actors and logos are located in the configuration, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.
    In show poster I changed from 0 to 1 to enable it.

    Another strange thing is the description that appears in small mode for all movies while in large only for some.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #72 on: July 16, 2023, 01:15:53 pm »

    Nice going!
    Let's tackle the rest one by one
    So I assume that you have:
    1. installed the fonts (theater is narrow font so it is kind of required to get lines right and hack or some other mono too)
    2. You have the created fields

    Could you paste the configuration part of the template here? or whole template with your edits is fine too. also if you can take small and large screenshots so i can see what's missing

    Let's start with logos:
    Are logo images inside MC's tooltip folder with sub folders? see example pic.



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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #73 on: July 16, 2023, 01:29:50 pm »

    Actually, I only installed hack because I read it in the configuration: do I have to install theater as well?

    I have all folders in C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip....

    Now I'm not in front of the htpc, tomorrow I'll attach the modified template.

    Thank you lepa


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #74 on: July 16, 2023, 01:33:32 pm »

    Theater font is for visuals and alignment but everything should still show up without it. just that layout may be broken. So I recommend you to install it. Already find something which may cause your description problems...

    Thanks for testing this! Means a lot to me as I have invested quite much time to make this transferable to other  :)


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #75 on: July 16, 2023, 02:51:26 pm »

    I really think we should all thank you for the time you are dedicating to making this excellent player more and more enjoyable as well as the time needed to make it understood by those who are not very practical (or advanced in years  ;D ).

    I remembered one thing: in some cases the icons of Rotten Tomatoes and others are "broken".


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #76 on: July 17, 2023, 03:05:24 am »

    I am attaching screenshots of Aquaman which is a BD UHD and of Bohemian which is a mkv.

    This is after downloading the Theater fonts as well


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #77 on: July 17, 2023, 03:08:54 am »

    This is the modified template instead


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #78 on: July 17, 2023, 03:16:11 am »

    Thanks! I'll look at it briefly before lunch


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #79 on: July 17, 2023, 03:18:40 am »

    Okay, those images will help. Strange ones... I'll get back to you. Description I think I already fixed (fix not yet released)

    I think that at least you are missing tooltip\Misc\Separator\ images? They should be in the zip file;topic=135179.0;attach=48101

    Script uses e.g. tooltip\Misc\Separator\1x1-transparent.png to make room for different images / text. And since your critic rating texts doesn't have any room but is like IMDb RATINGTMDb RATING etc the image between them is missing

    Yeah, looking at the pictures I'd say that first fix would be downloading attached new image pack keeping the subfolders. Make backup of your old logo images if you like to them more. I think new ones are prettier though. I still have the old ones too as a backup if they are wanted back

    1. Download new logo pack and extract it to tooltip folder (backup old ones before hand if you like)
    (2.) change path C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Audio ==> C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\
    (3.)  change path C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Actors ==> C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Actors\

    Wonder if those path settings was also FenceMan's reason not to get actor images....

    2 and 3 already handled in the attached test template.
    Description hopefully fixed in your system, added new configuration parameter v_ACTOR_ALT_ROLES which when activated assumes that Actors (alt) field include the role names. if disabled then Actors field should include role names like you @lello did (attached test template config set to work with your system already).

    anyway test template attached and with that if you do step 1. I THINK that it should solve lots of issues

    If these issues are fixed then next mystery is why there is no poster image. Rotten tomatoes issue is probably because aquaman has more than 9 plays so it takes one character more than anticipated and that moves row a bit further. I thought that I handled this already but I guess not...


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #80 on: July 17, 2023, 07:04:24 am »

    I tried this and still no actors.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #81 on: July 17, 2023, 07:52:21 am »

    I confirm, unfortunately the actors are still not seen.

    On the other hand, several things have improved, as you can see


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #82 on: July 17, 2023, 09:52:46 am »

    Could you try this for me and report the image paths what are shown (poster & cast) You should not see images but file location for the image. Remember to put this template on top so it gets to be used. This is deliberately broken so I can see the paths.

    EDIT forgot to config for your system... Now it should be configured


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #83 on: July 17, 2023, 10:15:54 am »



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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #84 on: July 17, 2023, 10:19:58 am »

    Ah BD structure doesn't have image path..... no wonder it doesn't find the poster.... I'll try to fix that.
    Could also post Main Cast part so I can see that too?

    I think I can try to make description more error resistant, I can fix the rotten tomatoes icon and the poster. So I guess this Main Cast is the last hurdle then


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #85 on: July 17, 2023, 10:41:25 am »

    But it also happens with mkvs.

    Could I have done something wrong when creating the fields? See attached


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #86 on: July 17, 2023, 10:50:51 am »

    Ok, that pic helps. So all file types are affected. I have all my posters on external folder away form movie files on fast SSD as otherwise MC hangs all the time if server is offline. But I can sort the posters now for you. Actors side I think we have reversed fields so my Actors field have only actor names and Actors (alt) have also the role names. You seem to have this the other way around. That I already hopefully sorted out with new configuration parameter v_ACTOR_ALT_ROLES. So you can keep your fields, just configure that parameter to 0.

    If you could post the main cast part still. It should also now print out the file paths instead of images


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #87 on: July 17, 2023, 11:24:57 am »

    The parameter of v_ACTOR_ALT_ROLES is already set to zero (if I understand correctly).

    I am attaching the image of the main part of the cast, but there is no image or path


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #88 on: July 17, 2023, 11:34:01 am »

    Okay that means that parsing fails completely. can show me example actor image path?
    Like mine is e.g.
    "E:\.MC Images\Actors\Sylvester Stallone.png"
    so where is your sly? you have png images? and not jpg?

    Posters by the way should be fixed in next test version


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #89 on: July 17, 2023, 11:43:31 am »

    Now I'm no longer in front of the htpc, but the actor photos are located in C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Actors\ Original movie title (year)\actor name.png as requested from ZRatings


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #90 on: July 17, 2023, 11:50:26 am »

    Okay so that breaks it, thanks alot  ;D I don't expect the movie folder... as my images doesn't have burned in actor roles so I only save one pic per actor and not per movie.

    I can fix that now also! Or actually you can fix it yourself in the configuration (who was so smart and invented this configuration thingy  ;D):
    Save(C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Actors\[Original Title] /([year]/)\, V_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATH)/

    Thank you for testing.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #91 on: July 17, 2023, 12:47:10 pm »

    I was really convinced that that was the solution so, taken by impatience, I went back to the HT room, but unfortunately it didn't work. I also removed that small space in Save( C:\Program Files, but there was nothing to do  :'(

    I have tried different file types


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #92 on: July 17, 2023, 01:07:32 pm »

    darn. I'll do another test version to debug this if you are still willing to test. no rush though but when you (and I) have time. I'll in the meantime fix the rotten tomatoes and description so after that everything else than this should work and next test version should give me a hint what's wrong here. I'm thinking that it might be related to me trying to keep linux compatibility with retarded windows paths..

    This test template should show what's going on with the actors. Posters fix I think is included

    Save( C:\Program Files, but there was nothing to do  :'(
    this was my bad so no space needed

    E: Description and rotten tomatoes hopefully now fixed (not released yet)


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #93 on: July 18, 2023, 04:00:19 am »

    Attached latest test template using lello's config. rotten tomatoes, poster, description hopefully now more robust and working. Main Cast should show image location where it tries to find the actor image, so that mystery will also hopefully be fixed after this test


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #94 on: July 18, 2023, 04:50:14 am »

    Good job lepa! ;D

    Only the photos of the actors are missing, and your work is complete


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #95 on: July 18, 2023, 04:58:10 am »

    hmm.. i was hoping some more printouts for main cast at the bottom of the main cast row to see the whole filenames also. Is this result with the latest test template?


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #96 on: July 18, 2023, 05:04:22 am »

    this one tries still a little harder to print out the image file paths


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #97 on: July 18, 2023, 05:45:56 am »

    this one tries still a little harder to print out the image file paths

    See attached, it says it can't find Robert Downey Jr png when it is clearly there?

    Save(C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\Actors\, V_ACTOR_IMAGE_PATH)/
    Save(C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Data\Tooltip\, V_TOOLTIP_PATH)/
    Save(e://.MC Images//Movies//Replace([Name],:,/ ) /([Year]/) /[[imdb id]/]//Logos//logo.png, v_LOGO_FILEPATH)/


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #98 on: July 18, 2023, 05:50:55 am »

    Also I still have issues with alignment but other than that and the actors it looks great.


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    Re: Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens
    « Reply #99 on: July 18, 2023, 05:56:35 am »

    Also I still have issues with alignment but other than that and the actors it looks great.
    wow what is that ;D BTW as you have tmdb rating as zero, is it desired or some field difference with us? I'm using TMDb Rating but try to fall back to MC's critic rating
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