Fair enough and thank you. Is Blue Noise considered the best dithering in JRVR when using 8bit? I always though Ordered dithering was one of the highest.
Blue noise is definitely higher quality than ordered dither. As for 10 vs 8 bit, as others have pointed out, the only difference is an increase in noise threshold. If you can't see the noise from 8-bit dithering, then it's fine. But in theory it should be visible on some patterns, as it's still technically above the human JND threshold, especially in HDR or wide gamut configurations.
I wouldn't sleep over always dithering to 8-bit, though. Also note that enabling the option in JRVR should only be an issue if your GPU driver is bugged, as normally the driver will correctly dither down to the effective monitor bit-depth no matter what depth you configure the backbuffer to.