I don't understand the question, can you show a pic of what you mean?
You have to load each preset separately though, you can't see them all at once (so to speak) if that is what you mean
When I load a preset, I would think I'd see all available settings in the parametric equalizer, with only those set for the preset checked. I don't see all of the settings I set (checked or unset all the time).
(sorry I'm having trouble making the IMG tag work)
This is my named "Flat" preset and when I load it, this is parametic equalizer options I see
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uejtf9bfqfv07yp2sat0z/Preset-Flat.jpg?rlkey=i34x7jx8flsyql83fqzzdfeqq&dl=0This is my named "Level" preset and when I load it, this is parametric equalizer options I see
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jc5saef6ftoy7kihj2134/Preset-Level.jpg?rlkey=ltuisqvdkw63oehyyqnh5mu62&dl=0I'd think I'd see all available parametric equalizer options I've created in both, some checked and some not.
And.. is there a way to simply turn off a preset I've loaded?
I've finally going to create some curves to apply to different albums to mostly manage bass... the album mixes on some albums have way too much bass which rattles the springs in my windows... and some albums, volume leveling or not, have dramatically different playback volumes and other albums need a high freq boost.
I'm hoping to create a small number of DSP presets that will handle all situations that I can apply per album that needs it.
OMG Cowboy Junkie albums are way too bass heavy... I'll end up creating a special DSP preset for that band.