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Author Topic: Separating a portion of the JRiver Library to a second DB with current metadata  (Read 1502 times)


  • World Citizen
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I have a very large library that consists of music audio files, video concerts, movies and audiobooks.

I want to seperate my audiobooks out to a seperate DB to that it is not in the "Main Library".  Although it works in the current fashion, I use it sparringly and I like the idea of keeping it seperate of my main library (audio, music concert videos and movies) which I use daily.

I've spent extensive time on gathering Metadata for all 4 types of files above (my audio files have almost 500 total fields). The audiobooks have approx 20 additional custom fields and the main goal is to preserve this data into a seperate JRiver Library.

Not all of these fields can be written to the audiobook file (mostly MP3) so the import process will not work to assist in my goal, I believe.

What is the best way to seperate all of my audiobooks (All are stored in F:\audiobooks) into a seperate DB and bring all of the current audiobooks metadata in JRiver over with it?

Would creating a playlist with only audiobooks, exporting it, creating new DB and bringing it back in work?   



  • MC Beta Team
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Maybe you could
1. backup your current main library DB
2. Rename this active library to e.g. audiobook library
3. Remove everything else than audiobooks from your active library
(4. backup this new audiobook library)
5. load your main library from backup (step 1)
6. remove every audiobook from the main library

After that you hopefully you have different library for audiobooks and at least main library is freed from audiobooks  ;D

Haven't tried it so take it with grain and salt and with no guarantee


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 159

Thanks Lepa, although I've been using JRiver for 15 years - I'm not sure how to rename a library?  There is nothing under File - Library, nothing under Library Manager.

If you happen to know could you enlighten me?

I've done extensive backups of all files and the DB numberous times as I don't want to mess up the existing library that I've worked years on.



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Expand Playing Now in the tree
Expand "Playing From Main Library"
Select "Main Library"

See "Tools" on the right in the main pane? Click on "Clone Library". You should be OK on your own from there. If not, just shout :)

FYI, the folder you set for the cloned library needs to be empty. If it's not, MC will empty it for you, so, make sure it's an empty folder ;)

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


  • World Citizen
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Ok says the blind man (me).  There is also a rename there.  I should be able to take it from here.

Thanks so much Marko and Lepa.  So many things in JRiver, I don't always see all of them.


  • MC Beta Team
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Forgot about clone. so you should be able to clone your main library to different folder, name the clone e.g. audiobook library, load it and remove everything other than audiobooks and, when you're convinced it worked as assumed, you can load your main library and remove audiobooks from it. Still do a backup as a first step so you can always go back


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 159

I just spent some time on it and it worked just fine.  Got it to where I want - with two seperate DB's one all audio and video music and the other Audiobooks.

The only thing that I don't quite understand is the DB size for the main library is 130MB and the size for the Audiobooks Library is also 130 MB.  This is based on when I do a DB Backup

Since I removed 400K files from the audiobook library ( and all corresponding data in JRiver - all files are still intact on the HD) I would have expected it to be smaller than the main library.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 159

I did end up deleting about 80 fields that were not being used and were empty.  That took the db down in size from 130 mb to 65mb.

JRiver must "reserve" space for fields even though there is no date in those fields - I'm guessing.


  • MC Beta Team
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Deleted entries are still kept in the DB. You can view them by searching for "~d=r". If you delete them from there, then they're permanently gone and DB size should go down.


  • MC Beta Team
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Before doing that though, double check your auto import settings for that audiobook library, because, if they include locations of the files you removed, MC will promptly import them again, and you don't want that ;)

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 159

Before doing that though, double check your auto import settings for that audiobook library, because, if they include locations of the files you removed, MC will promptly import them again, and you don't want that ;)

I've done this and it doesn't seem to pull up any "hidden files".  I've tried in the search box up top left and through a quick search (ctrl +Q) with no luck.  Not a big deal just trying to learn a little more with JRiver.
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