- When the application is windowed (not maximized), the upper right-hand icon shows the incorrect type - it still shows the maximized type. This is incorrect - it should show the single large window, indicating what will happen when clicked (maximize). This seems intermittent; however, sometimes it actually does show correctly, and I cannot figure out the pattern.
I assume you mean the restore button? The one used when a window is maximized to restore it to a windowed state? If so, I've actually seen this happen a few times over the years but it's not easy to reproduce. There's a related issue too (which I've reported it several times) which is when MC is maximized it'll randomly switch from the restore button image (which is correct) to the maximize button image (which is incorrect). It doesn't happen immediately and it usually happens if you launch another app fullscreen first or just leave MC open for an extended period of time - it is a bit random. My guess is perhaps MC, for some reason, thinks it's windowed when it's actually maximized, not sure. I ended up fixing the maximize button showing instead of restore button issue at the skin level by taking the restore image for the skin I use and making a copy of it and renaming it and replacing the maximize image. Yeah, it's a dirty workaround but since I keep MC maximized all the time, it does work.
I'm guessing in this case if you leave the window in a windowed state it'll display the maximize button at first then it'll randomly switch to and display the restore button? If so that sounds related to and the reverse of the issue I've seen with maximized windows.
Do note that Media Center uses its own system for window drawing and all that (Steam is another example of a app that does this) and doesn't really work like a typical Windows app (or Mac/Linux app). It doesn't use the system close/maximize/restore/minimize buttons, it uses images of the buttons from the skin you're using. That's also why you don't see Windows' window snapping options when hovering over the maximize/restore button. So that probably explains some of the things you're reporting here.
So yeah, there is a little inconsistency there with the buttons and the window states that I've seen over the years, but it's hard to reproduce on command, it's usually by chance. Skin doesn't seem to matter either, but it's likely more noticeable with some like Noire and the ModernCards skins over others. I did reproduce the maximize/restore issue years ago with Noire to rule out a ModernCards skin issue.