One simple change is that we could make right-align of numeric fields an advanced option.
ooooh... yes please
(though consider leaving things as-is and making the advanced option to be left-aligned?)
We could expand to allow setting alignment on a field-by-field basis, but that seems a little too dense to me.
Right-aligned numbers is the norm, Marko just needs a new brain
Agree re: "The norm",
strongly agree re: "new brain"
An advanced setting (left|center|right) is great, but I would leave the default as is.
A per-Field setting in the "Edit Field" UI would also work. As long as the default doesn't suddenly change, then I think both options are fine and don't add much clutter.
A global setting would be preferred, especially if it's a simple thing, also, the current defaults shouldn't change.
@Matt, thanks for looking.