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Did RedFox pull a SlySoft?

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Maybe they will rebrand so people can buy a third lifetime licence.

I've read about that issue with RF. That was the exact reason I refused to buy another lifetime license after what happened with Slysoft and their refusal after rebranding to honor the existing licenses we had (I had lifetime with Sly). SO now I just get either a one or two year depending on how I use it. Thankfully I had downloaded the offline database file before the site stopped working as I can still run my discs without the needed online connection. But if it ever stopped working I have other options.

Is their software even needed if you have MakeMKV?



--- Quote from: JimH on July 18, 2024, 01:26:55 pm ---No.

--- End quote ---

No it's not needed if you have MakeMKV, or no they did not pull a SlySoft?


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