I was about to report this as a problem, but now I'm more inclined to think it's the universe conspiring against music collectors.
Where it all began: I have a whole lot of albums (and playlist made from them) that do not show any tracks in JRemote on Android. Ver 2 or 3 doesn't matters. The circle spins and just spins (for hours if I let it). Now mind you these are all CD-sourced flacs. No multichannels, no high-res, none of that. Having said that, there are some potential exotic practices that I employ: 1) Lots of metadata. Not sure if it makes any difference (it shouldn't?) but I do cram everything under the sun that Picard and its plugins can write as metadata; 2) big embedded covers, both in dimensions and filesize; 3) The most interesting aspect (or so I thought) - flaccl encoded files, probably lots of them with --lax and -11 compression cause that's how I roll.
I never had a problem before but hey, I though that especially 3) broke the camel's proverbial back in this case. And choosing to go the industrious way I set out to prove it. Except I proved nothing.
I picked up a CD, ripped it to WAVs, and started to work using the latest MC33, CueTools, Picard, biggest art I can find. In quick succession I made FLAC versions encoded in MC with no tags, with tags and no art, with tags and with 3MB art and also with FLACCL with -11 compression, without tags, with tags, with big art... every possible combination. And then I brought all of them into a test library in MC, fired up JRemote3 on my Pixel and... ALL FILES SHOW UP. They also play just fine, all of them.
So, here I am. What gives? I'd really like to solve this, but the more I think the number of variables increases. If there ever was, say,
a version of flaccl that messed things up, things get out of hand, cause I can't verify that empirically. Also I'm not sure what's a valid test if, say, I keep tweaking a non-working file. Caches/history involved on JRemote side (aka does it remember things, does it need a disconnect server / reconnect server to make a valid new attempt?). Is there a more direct way to understand why JRemote refuses to cooperate with some of my files? Some super-secret entries in super-secret logs

, anything that would shrink the 'where to look' area?
At any rate, any thoughts appreciated!