I've reported this issue with MC 31 almost two years ago, it has been confirmed at the time by TheShoe (thanks again!) but I haven't heard back from the devs since.
Here is a link to the original thread:
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,136787.0.html Here is a short list of consolidated titles with this issue, but there are many, many more (I'll update the list regularly as I come accross unsupported titles):
[EDITED 28-Feb-25]
Deep Impact (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on blue screen.
The Truman Show (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on blue screen.
The Italian Job (2003) (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on blue screen.
Double Jeopardy (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on blue screen.
48 Hours (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen.
Another 48 Hours (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen.
Election (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen.
Ghost (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen.
Beverley Hills Cop 2 (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen (menu only partially shown).
Beverley Hills Cop 3 (4K UHD Bluray UK): plays the Paramount intro then stuck on language choice blue screen (blue screen, no menu shown)
It doesn't matter how you rip the titles (AnyDVD, makeMKV, xReveal), the issue is always present, so
this is not a ripping issue. I rip to folders for compatibility with the Oppo network playback, but I expect the issue will be the same when ripping to ISO.
I've also tested playing the original disc with the three Berveley Hills Cop movies, and I got the same results: I plays fine, II and III don't play with JRiver.
Switching to main movie playback plays the main title, but I use JRiver for a reason, and it's to play full menus as I need them for various reasons (primarily access to bonus features, automatic selection during the rip of the correct forced subtitles, correct handling of language-related seamless branching and support for multiple versions of the title without doubling the storage space).
As the issue is still present in MC33, and on more and more Paramount titles, and as bumping the old thread didn't help, I thought I'd start a new thread to see if we could make any improvements.
Hendrik (or other devs), if you don't have any of these titles, please give me a list of the Parammount titles you have, and I can check which one(s) cause the issue with JRiver and not with other players (Oppo, Dune etc). I'm also happy to provide the disc structure of a couple of examples (full disk without the main movie) so you can give it a try
AFAIK, these titles are handled fine by all UHD Bluray players and by PowerDVD (licensed software player) and with the Oppo (licenced hardware player), but they are also handled by the Dune players (unlicensed hardware player), so it is possible for a non-licensed player to handle them.
It would be great if a dev could have a look.