When syncing an older Android Moto 6 I use as a music player only, there are many files that report Error under Status in the Details screen. A small sampling seems to indicate some of the files with Error are on the phone so either were there are did transfer but with some error. I have found at least one Error though that is not on the phone and I guess was truly a sync error but it is possible I needed to refresh File Explorer (I'm not 100% sure).
There doesn't seem to be any pattern. Sometimes all songs from an album will have Error. Sometimes one song from an album will Complete and another will Error.
After the sync, it looks like about 10% of the songs did not sync. I tried running sync again and the same files that errored the first time were giving an error status on the 2nd sync.
Anything I can do for this? Is there someway to see more details about the error? A workaround?