If I will ever be in Dallas, we will see what's in your fridge

Maybe you would like to test the first version of the
"XtraSmart" Track Info template...
By clicking on the small "wrench icon" in the upper right, it opens a tool to set up your "style" without touching HTML. So far, you can set the colors and the background image of the template, but there is much more to come soon

It requires the Shockwave browser plugin, Version 8 or higher. Shockwave is similar to Flash...if you didn't installed it yet, you can download it for free from here (first install Shockwave, then use "XtraSmart"!):
http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/alternates/With Shockwave, you are allowed to save and read a text file in the Shockwave directory (In this case "C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\Shockwave 8\Prefs\"). For security reasons, you can only save a simple text file and only in that directory. But that's enough, if the browser/MC's Playing Now window uses this file as an external CSS / stylesheet file...
That's why the current version of "XtraSmart" even requires the Windows directory "C:\WINNT\" (like it's standard on WinNT, Win2K and even WinXP (I 'm not sure about XP exactly...)). If you have installed Windows somewhere else ("D:\Windows\" for example...), please let me know, I will then post a modified version.
Thanks for testing!