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Author Topic: Crossfading on albums  (Read 3860 times)


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Crossfading on albums
« on: May 05, 2004, 09:22:18 am »

Was just wondering whether a future option could be to crossfade tracks UNLESS they are from the same album with consecutive track numbers.

In this way playing a whole album would be as "nature intended" but all other playlists would crossfade (for parties etc).

Hoping that's not too tricky...



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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2004, 12:34:36 pm »

This was suggested some time back to Nila when he made his equaliser plug-in.
Idea being to check whether the album name of the following track was the same as the next one, in which case gapless/stadard  playback could be used instead of cross-fade.

I believe at the time it was not possible to programatically assign playback setting from a plugin using MC's SDK. I'm not aware if this is still the case or not, maybe others know more.


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 02:13:10 pm »

I requested the same thing a couple of months ago, and I would still love to see it implemented.

pretend this is something funny


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2004, 02:27:07 pm »

I would think you'd want to check artist name and album name, not just the latter (think of the infamous "Greatest Hits" example).


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2004, 02:56:03 pm »

I would think you'd want to check artist name and album name, not just the latter (think of the infamous "Greatest Hits" example).

Actually not if you label greatest hits (or any series for that matter) album titles uniquely ie

greatest hits - artist x
greatest hits - artist y

back to mine - dave seaman
back to mine - everything but the girl

Also makes it easier to identify which album from a series is desired, in a view scheme that includes all albums. Track number could also be used to identify sucessive tracks (once its known they come form the same album) and playback set accordingly.

Can't think of a way otherwise to identify whether tracks come from the same album... file location maybe.



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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2004, 03:04:11 pm »

I would think that in order for this to sound right while using Replay Gain, you would also need an Album Gain option which MC does not have at the moment.


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2004, 04:25:59 pm »

Audio CD's also need to be x-fade exempt. A user selectable setting would be ideal.


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2004, 04:29:21 pm »

I like it. should we do a poll?....


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2004, 08:24:00 pm »

I would think you'd want to check artist name and album name, not just the latter (think of the infamous "Greatest Hits" example).

Actually not if you label greatest hits (or any series for that matter) album titles uniquely ie

greatest hits - artist x
greatest hits - artist y

back to mine - dave seaman
back to mine - everything but the girl

Also makes it easier to identify which album from a series is desired, in a view scheme that includes all albums. Track number could also be used to identify sucessive tracks (once its known they come form the same album) and playback set accordingly.

Can't think of a way otherwise to identify whether tracks come from the same album... file location maybe.

Sorry, this seems silly to me.  I wouldn't want to be redundant with the artist name.  Doing this would also exacerbate a problem I already have, which is running out of character space due to file system limitations.

If MC internally checked artist name and album, then why would we care, as long as crossfading worked correctly?


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2004, 08:45:25 pm »

Well, it also depends how you have things organized on your computer. Personaly, all albums have their own folders. Therefore, in my case, it would be very easy for MC to figure when two consecutive songs are from the same album.

All this to say that disk location is not neglectable in this situation.



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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2004, 11:33:34 pm »

But if this feature were implemented, MC would need to be able to handle all sorts of configurations.  And not everyone uses artist/album directories.  I can't use them, because (1) I run out of room due to the 255-char limit, and (2) I find it unnecessary.

One of the main functions of MC is organization... why duplicate it on the file system?  Maybe I'm thick, but I never understood that.  I don't have any two files with the same name (of course), and the 255-char limit is a real issue (especially if you have classical tracks).  But the limit on the number of files you can have in any one directory is almost bottomless.

But in any event, even if the feature were implemented weakly, the only dirs needed would be artist.


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2004, 02:15:23 am »

I think we're getting into techincicalities here - as long as the principle of non-crossfading albums is practical, then MC can have a range of criteria you select to determine what is "an album".

So it can be different for different users....


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2004, 02:32:58 am »

One of the main functions of MC is organization... why duplicate it on the file system?  Maybe I'm thick, but I never understood that.

Oh thats simple. I organised using a file system from the winamp days cos thats how u navigate (using explorer) to find stuff. Just cos i started using MC recently was no reason to drop it. I like to see albums in their own folder. Also i'm not locked into MC for organisation cept for view schemes.

btw its genre/artist--album not artist/album on the file-system. Works great with any media player.

I don't have any two files with the same name (of course), and the 255-char limit is a real issue (especially if you have classical tracks).  But the limit on the number of files you can have in any one directory is almost bottomless.

i didn't realise this was for classical music but understand that 255-chars is a valid concern in the scheme i proposed.

How is ur music organised on the file system then, if at all ? and how does MC identify whether a track is from the same album then ?

I would think that in order for this to sound right while using Replay Gain, you would also need an Album Gain option which MC does not have at the moment

The idea at the time was to disable Replay gain for albums and enable it for random mixes.


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2004, 01:49:30 pm »


I like the suggestion, it would surely be a nice feature.

Thinking about it it could also apply to mimic album based replay gain in some way:
Mix of tracks from different albums : Replay gain on
Single full album: Replay gain off

just a thought,


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2004, 02:15:48 pm »

Thinking about it it could also apply to mimic album based replay gain in some way:
Mix of tracks from different albums : Replay gain on
Single full album: Replay gain off

This wouldn't work well.  Today's CDs generally have a replay gain of about -12 to -16 dB.  Turning RG on and off inside a playlist would be extremely annoying.

Better solution, and one that I think would finally make MC untouchable! is to add Album Gain and be done with it! :)


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Re:Crossfading on albums
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2004, 05:05:28 am »

Was just wondering whether a future option could be to crossfade tracks UNLESS they are from the same album with consecutive track numbers.

In this way playing a whole album would be as "nature intended" but all other playlists would crossfade (for parties etc).

Hoping that's not too tricky...

Given that we now have Album Gain in v11, is the above a possibility?

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