Unfortunately it only has one digital and one set of analog outputs. I am not sure if you can active both at the same time. I run the digital output though my ELAN system to get individual zoning.
Also, I know Russound has some relatively inexpensive zoning products.
I am in the process of planning thewiring and a whole-house audio system for a new home construction. I was almost convinced on the Russound. Howeve, I then looked at the Elan. You mention that the Elan can do digital input, how? Which model? I like that the Elan S6 has sperarate components which allow you to also connect telephone, paging, intercom, doorbell, etc., and of course a video controller.
Can you share any experiences with the wiring that you instlaled for the Elan? I've seen other posts here and at AVS but still trying to map out a schematic of the whole setup to ensure it meets future expansion needs. I want to install audio only, at first, but be able to do video, CCTV, home controls (lighting, A/C, appliances), eventually.
Need to make sure all the wiring is in during construction.
Any input would be appreciated.