Considering what this program can do, you barely scratched the surface and the flaws you did find are relatively minor. MC 11 is still beta, although it is near release and will continue to be polished even after release. Media Center is actively being further develooped, it is not satic like some other nameless media apps. This also happens to be one of the best and most informative forums on th web.
J River/MC uses their own CD lookup database, Yadb, (based on freedb) as they decided Cddb's licensing fee was too high and would add too much cost to the program . Yadb is growing every day as most users here contirbute to the database (we hope you added your Norwegian CD

). With the use of KingSparta's free plugins you can increase your success rate, in addition to getting cover art, lyrics, bios and more.
The tagging abillity of MC is 2nd to none in my opinion, although I just noticed the same behavior when manually tagging a CD last night and suspect it is just a bug, as it worked fine in MC 10 (I will post about this in a separate thread). You can add Track # in options>file location>filename rule. Just click on the arrow and then click on track # in the popup. This used to be and should be the default setting.
With VBR, (Variable Bit Rate), the more extreme you go, the higher the average bit rate and therefore the bigger the total file size, but also, the higher the quality of the sound.
You have a 30-day free trial, really give it a road test, experiment with MCs capabillities. Go through the help files, past posts in the forum and the the options to see what MC can do. Feel free to post any other comments or questions in the forum - we're a friendly and helpful bunch here.