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Author Topic: With most recent update of MC 10, name gets overwritten with filename  (Read 1280 times)


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I have an unusual setup, where I have .wavs (=> no tags in files) and a filename convention that has the info that would be in tags.  I filled tags from filename, and in some cases had to edit stuff, only now since the most recent update of MC10, every time I import, the name field gets overwritten with the filename.  Is there some setting I can change, or is this how it is now?  Never used to do that until recently.

Any help would be appreciated.  (i did see another topic where it was suggested in a similar situation to make a backup name field, but that seems to be a PITA workaround).



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Is there some setting I can change, or is this how it is now?  Never used to do that until recently.

Do you mean MC11?  ...because the last time MC10 was updated was September 24, 2004.  What's your definition of "recently?" ;) ;D

Alex B

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Check the import options. Is there something like "Update library for external changes"? (I don't have MC10 installed right now.) Does it work differently if you change the option?

When checking the file tags MC fills the name field with the filename instead of leaving the field empty if the file doesn't have tags. Normally it is a good thing. It could work differently if the file is already imported and tagged.
In any case you can avoid that by not importing the same folders again. Put new files to a separate folder and import from there. "Right-click the folder in Windows Explorer  > Media Center > Import" might be the easiest way to do that. (Shell integration must be enabled in MC options.)
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:
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